servicing Barlow Winches

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Dave D

servicing Barlow Winches

Post by Dave D »

I bought my first 25CD last year. I need to clean and lube my barlow winches, but I want to get some directions on how to take them apart. I don't want to pull them off and have parts going everywhere, if that will happen at all. If there is a cite with direction or if anybody can help, it would be appreciated.

Dave D
Bruce Bett

Re: servicing Barlow Winches

Post by Bruce Bett »


The old Barlow winches on the CD25 are very simple little machines. They are not a bit like the big Harkens you see exploded in the sailing magazines. You might put them in a shoebox when you take them apart. Clean them up with mineral spirits. Greese them with a good lithium greese, and you're set.

Dave D wrote: I bought my first 25CD last year. I need to clean and lube my barlow winches, but I want to get some directions on how to take them apart. I don't want to pull them off and have parts going everywhere, if that will happen at all. If there is a cite with direction or if anybody can help, it would be appreciated.

Dave D
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