Replacing running rigging on Ty WK

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Replacing running rigging on Ty WK

Post by Craig »

I am thinking about replacing the running rigging on my newly aquired Ty Weekender (1980). Would appreciate any suggestion on brand and size of rigging. The 1981 Ty manual lists 5/16 in line for halyards and sheets. Has anyone used a larger size for the sheets, say 3/8? West Marine sells New England brand. Anyone had experience with this brand?


Re: Replacing running rigging on Ty WK

Post by sloopjohnl »

i've got low-stretch 5/16 for halyards and a softer (on the hands) 3/8 for the mainsheet, jib and genoa sheets.

Craig wrote: I am thinking about replacing the running rigging on my newly aquired Ty Weekender (1980). Would appreciate any suggestion on brand and size of rigging. The 1981 Ty manual lists 5/16 in line for halyards and sheets. Has anyone used a larger size for the sheets, say 3/8? West Marine sells New England brand. Anyone had experience with this brand?

Jim Sullivan

Re: Replacing running rigging on Ty WK

Post by Jim Sullivan »

Craig wrote: I am thinking about replacing the running rigging on my newly aquired Ty Weekender (1980). Would appreciate any suggestion on brand and size of rigging. The 1981 Ty manual lists 5/16 in line for halyards and sheets. Has anyone used a larger size for the sheets, say 3/8? West Marine sells New England brand. Anyone had experience with this brand?

The halyards and sheets on my '71 Typhoon are both 3/8". My previous Ty, a '73, also had 3/8". The sheets are dacron braid and the halyards are 3-strand, twist dacron. When I replace the halyards, I plan to use dacron braid as it is my understanding that it has less stretch. From what I have heard, New England is a good brand.

Re: Replacing running rigging on Ty WK

Post by Chip »

I plan to do the same job this summer and probably will use standard 3/8 or 5/16 Sta-Set X for everything. The color coded sta-set is much lower in strength, so I plan to use the white line with colored flecks to help keep the deck organized.

Craig wrote: I am thinking about replacing the running rigging on my newly aquired Ty Weekender (1980). Would appreciate any suggestion on brand and size of rigging. The 1981 Ty manual lists 5/16 in line for halyards and sheets. Has anyone used a larger size for the sheets, say 3/8? West Marine sells New England brand. Anyone had experience with this brand?

Marino Curati

I just replaced all running rigging

Post by Marino Curati »

I used the spec's that came in the manual. For the halyards, I used the New England equivalent to Yale ULS. Boat US said it was easier to splice and the same cost. 3/8" halyards are too big for that boat in my opinion. I bought two schaefer curved cheek blocks to mount on either side of the mast to run both the spin and t-lift back to the cockpit. I figure on securing the spin halyard over the main cleat and running the topping lift to one of the coaming board cleats. I'd recommend genoa sheets to be the Yale Yacht braid if possible. Its the nice fuzzy kind that's easy on the hands.

Jib: 50' 5/16" w/shackle spliced
Main: 40' 5/16" w/U shackle
Spin: 45' 1/4" w/shackle
T-lift: 45' 1/4" w/tiny bail shackle
Down Haul: I had the original cleaned at Sailcare for $5.00 and it came out great.
Genoa Sheet: 60' 5/16" Yale Yacht Braid White (continuous line)
Spin Sheets: I had the originals cleaned at Sailcare for $5.00 and they came out great.

I hope this helps,

Marino Curati
Ty #74 Snug
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