I plan to convert my single lifelines to double lifelines this season. Has anyone had any experience with this? If I drill the stantion, what type of chaff protection is used where the line passes through the stanchion?
Any experience with hand crimping lifelines? I worry that they are not as strong as machine crimped. I have considered using mechanical end fittings with 1 x 19 wire, but the cost is prohibitive.
Olli Wendelin
Charleston, SC
Double Lifeline Conversion
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Double Lifeline Conversion
You really don't want to try do drill your existing stanchions.
Drilling into this stuff is almost impossible, unless you have a special rig and some really good drills. When you get through, you will have weaken the stanchion, as well as having some rough holes where it will weaken the lifeline.
Before you attempt this, try calling Tops In Quality (810 364-7150-ask for Greg) or get on their web site by using topsinquality.com.
After a year of waiting for a local company to make me up a new stanchion for a gate, I got desperate and called Robinhood-which referred me to Tops In Quality, as this is their supplier for Cape Dory.
Greg spent about ten minutes with me on the phone and faxed me all the information I needed. After two weeks, I got my parts, and, they are the best I have ever seen!!
They are not cheap, but nothing is on a sailboat.
Hope this helps
Ken Cave
You really don't want to try do drill your existing stanchions.
Drilling into this stuff is almost impossible, unless you have a special rig and some really good drills. When you get through, you will have weaken the stanchion, as well as having some rough holes where it will weaken the lifeline.
Before you attempt this, try calling Tops In Quality (810 364-7150-ask for Greg) or get on their web site by using topsinquality.com.
After a year of waiting for a local company to make me up a new stanchion for a gate, I got desperate and called Robinhood-which referred me to Tops In Quality, as this is their supplier for Cape Dory.
Greg spent about ten minutes with me on the phone and faxed me all the information I needed. After two weeks, I got my parts, and, they are the best I have ever seen!!
They are not cheap, but nothing is on a sailboat.
Hope this helps
Ken Cave
Re: Double Lifeline Conversion
Of all the upgrades on an older boat....lifelines and upgraded stainless are about the cheapest for the buck....not to say that it is inexpensive. But what you get for what you pay I think is a pretty good value for a boat.
I secound the recommendation for Tops-in-Quality....they make good stuff. You will pay about $45 per double line stanchion. I would imagine the bases are still good. Making your own lifelines is not difficult, but I would urge you not to short change yourself and do it too much "on the cheap". Go out an buy a good manual swage thing and good quality fittings...strong ones. I have found that the things that you touch on a boat....like hardware....really need to be quality. You not only "see" the difference, but you "feel" the difference as well.
Good Luck,
I secound the recommendation for Tops-in-Quality....they make good stuff. You will pay about $45 per double line stanchion. I would imagine the bases are still good. Making your own lifelines is not difficult, but I would urge you not to short change yourself and do it too much "on the cheap". Go out an buy a good manual swage thing and good quality fittings...strong ones. I have found that the things that you touch on a boat....like hardware....really need to be quality. You not only "see" the difference, but you "feel" the difference as well.
Good Luck,
One more thing....
If you do decide to convert your old stanchions you have to reinforce the area that you drill through. I think the standard procedure is to slip an additional tube that has an od equal to the original stanchion id and enough length to take it up past the position for the new hole and then drill.
Re: Double Lifeline Conversion
Ollie - Check out www.sailnet.com. There was an excellent article recently by contributors Larry and Sue in the "Cruising" section. The entire article dealt with replacing lifelines yourself and should provide a comprehensive guide for you. They discuss self-crimping in detail.Olli Wendelin wrote: I plan to convert my single lifelines to double lifelines this season. Has anyone had any experience with this? If I drill the stantion, what type of chaff protection is used where the line passes through the stanchion?
Any experience with hand crimping lifelines? I worry that they are not as strong as machine crimped. I have considered using mechanical end fittings with 1 x 19 wire, but the cost is prohibitive.
Olli Wendelin
Charleston, SC