CD25 Tow Eye

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Dan H

CD25 Tow Eye

Post by Dan H »

The CD25 I am buying has a tow eye about 20 inches down from the top of the bow. It is loose and needs to be reinstalled with some glass repair around it. I have nover seen this feature on any CD, 25 or otherwise. Should I have it reinstalled or just repair the hole and be done with it? Both they guy at the yard and the surveyer say, since I will keep the boat on a can, I should keep the eye. I need the wisdom of your collective expertise. Thank you.
Bruce Bett

Re: CD25 Tow Eye

Post by Bruce Bett »


I can see no overwhelming reason to keep it. I suppose it might reduce chafing, but there are other ways to do that. If you want to keep it make sure it is well installed. The fact that it is broken suggests that it is not. There is a small access port in the front of the vee berth. Take a look and see how well it’s backed. I’d want to see a good sized block of hardwood shaped to fit inside the stem and well bedded perhaps with a thick past of epoxy and filler.

Bruce Bett
CD25 #496

Dan H wrote: The CD25 I am buying has a tow eye about 20 inches down from the top of the bow. It is loose and needs to be reinstalled with some glass repair around it. I have nover seen this feature on any CD, 25 or otherwise. Should I have it reinstalled or just repair the hole and be done with it? Both they guy at the yard and the surveyer say, since I will keep the boat on a can, I should keep the eye. I need the wisdom of your collective expertise. Thank you.
Jerry Hammernik

Re: CD25 Tow Eye

Post by Jerry Hammernik »

The factory made the bow cleats strong enough to hold the boat on a mooring. You're not sure how strong the retrofitter made their installation. (It is coming loose already, isn't it.) If you use good chafe protection you'll be fine using the bow cleats on the mooring. The bow eye isn't the best for the boat's looks either. Your call! Good luck.

Jerry Hammernik
Lion's Paw CD28 #341
Dan H wrote: The CD25 I am buying has a tow eye about 20 inches down from the top of the bow. It is loose and needs to be reinstalled with some glass repair around it. I have nover seen this feature on any CD, 25 or otherwise. Should I have it reinstalled or just repair the hole and be done with it? Both they guy at the yard and the surveyer say, since I will keep the boat on a can, I should keep the eye. I need the wisdom of your collective expertise. Thank you.
Dan H

Re: CD25 Tow Eye

Post by Dan H »

Bruce, Jerry,

Thank you both for your sage advice. I am going to ditch the tow eye. It certainly does not help the esthetics and I just don't see the advantage it may provide as overriding the potntial problem of it becoming loose again and being the source of a potential leak.
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