A yacht broker told me the Cape Dory Association Website has a link to an online program that will convert hull, rig, and keel data into ratios that allow you to predict the way a given sailboat will perform. I would like to find that program. Specifically, I would like to enter data for a Cooper 37-foot ketch with a 6'draft. (the owner added 1 foot of depth to a full keel.) I am afraid sea trials of this boat won't be give me experience enough to judge if this is a good sailer and worth buying. Any leads to the "predicter" program and any information about the Cooper 37 would be appreciated.
Bill DeVoe
Sailing Hull Performance Prediction Softwear
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Sailing Hull Performance Prediction Softwear
You can find the info at:
You have to reload (not refresh) using the word "Reload" on the page to perform additional comparisons.
You have to reload (not refresh) using the word "Reload" on the page to perform additional comparisons.
Re: Sailing Hull Performance Prediction Softwear
Yes you can find it at SailCalculatorPro URL: http://www.image-ination.com/sailcalc.htmlBill DeVoe wrote: A yacht broker told me the Cape Dory Association Website has a link to an online program that will convert hull, rig, and keel data into ratios that allow you to predict the way a given sailboat will perform. I would like to find that program. Specifically, I would like to enter data for a Cooper 37-foot ketch with a 6'draft. (the owner added 1 foot of depth to a full keel.) I am afraid sea trials of this boat won't be give me experience enough to judge if this is a good sailer and worth buying. Any leads to the "predicter" program and any information about the Cooper 37 would be appreciated.
Bill DeVoe
Have a Nice Day
Re: Yes, you can get to it from this website
This website has alot to offer besides the Message Board. Please feel free to try out all of the other links whenever you get a chance. Start at the home page at <a href="http://www.toolworks.com/capedory/">htt ... pedory/</a>
To reach the links you're looking for, click on the "Cape Dorys" link or the "About Cape Dorys" link located in the navigation bar at the top of each of our web pages (except for Message Board posts). This will bring you to the "About Cape Dory Boats" web page where you'll find links to the specifications for each boat as well as links to the <a href="http://www.image-ination.com/sailcalc.html">Sail Calculator</a> mentioned in the other posts and a link to <a href="http://www1.iwvisp.com/jholtrop/default.htm">John Holtrop's website</a> where you'll find even more technical information, including a description of "fuzzy logic" and what all the numbers mean. Holtrop has compiled data on hundreds of boats and you can download an Excel spreadsheet that will allow you to add the specs for the boats in question if they aren't already included.
CCDOA Assistant Webmaster
CD32 <a href="http://www.hometown.aol.com/bcomet/real ... ization</a>, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay
This website has alot to offer besides the Message Board. Please feel free to try out all of the other links whenever you get a chance. Start at the home page at <a href="http://www.toolworks.com/capedory/">htt ... pedory/</a>
To reach the links you're looking for, click on the "Cape Dorys" link or the "About Cape Dorys" link located in the navigation bar at the top of each of our web pages (except for Message Board posts). This will bring you to the "About Cape Dory Boats" web page where you'll find links to the specifications for each boat as well as links to the <a href="http://www.image-ination.com/sailcalc.html">Sail Calculator</a> mentioned in the other posts and a link to <a href="http://www1.iwvisp.com/jholtrop/default.htm">John Holtrop's website</a> where you'll find even more technical information, including a description of "fuzzy logic" and what all the numbers mean. Holtrop has compiled data on hundreds of boats and you can download an Excel spreadsheet that will allow you to add the specs for the boats in question if they aren't already included.
CCDOA Assistant Webmaster
CD32 <a href="http://www.hometown.aol.com/bcomet/real ... ization</a>, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay
Bill DeVoe wrote: A yacht broker told me the Cape Dory Association Website has a link to an online program that will convert hull, rig, and keel data into ratios that allow you to predict the way a given sailboat will perform. I would like to find that program. Specifically, I would like to enter data for a Cooper 37-foot ketch with a 6'draft. (the owner added 1 foot of depth to a full keel.) I am afraid sea trials of this boat won't be give me experience enough to judge if this is a good sailer and worth buying. Any leads to the "predicter" program and any information about the Cooper 37 would be appreciated.
Bill DeVoe
Re: Sailing Hull Performance Prediction Softwear
I just give to you a new web: http://www1.iwvisp.com/jholtrop/default.htmBill DeVoe wrote: A yacht broker told me the Cape Dory Association Website has a link to an online program that will convert hull, rig, and keel data into ratios that allow you to predict the way a given sailboat will perform. I would like to find that program. Specifically, I would like to enter data for a Cooper 37-foot ketch with a 6'draft. (the owner added 1 foot of depth to a full keel.) I am afraid sea trials of this boat won't be give me experience enough to judge if this is a good sailer and worth buying. Any leads to the "predicter" program and any information about the Cooper 37 would be appreciated.
Bill DeVoe
It has a lot of information.