Bronze Typhoon Builder's Plates

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Bristol Bronze

Bronze Typhoon Builder's Plates

Post by Bristol Bronze »

The tooling for the Typhoon and Typhoon Senior Builder's Plates is just about done and we will begin casting a lot of each late next week. As I mentioned in a previous post we have to raise our price from $35.00 each to $40.00 each. This is due to the supstantial increase in the cost of energy. The new price will become effective on Feb 1st. Any orders placed before then will be honored at the old price. This not just for the Typhoon but for all the various Cape Dory plates that we do.

Any CD owner that wishes to place an order for any of the plates that we no do or an advance order for any that we are still working on can do so through the order form on our web site at or can call me at 401-625-5224.
yves feder W1UX

Re: Bronze Typhoon Builder's Plates

Post by yves feder W1UX »

The two plates received are absolutely outstanding. What gorgeous work! Now I gotta work to make the rest of the boat every bit as attractive as the plate! The second plate looks terrific on our nautical mantelpiece in the living room :)

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