I need to replace one of the cockpit combings. Can I get a pre-cut teak piece or will I have to have one cut?
TYW Need To Replace Cockpit Comb
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: TYW Need To Replace Cockpit Comb
I made both of mine. Haven't seen any posts for pre-cut pieces. I only found full 4/4 teak. If you do your own my suggestion is to have the pieces commercially planed down to a thickness that matches the original ones. I left mine 1/16" thicker and it was really hard to get them to conform to the slight curve of the cockpit. However do allow for the material lost from repeated sanding over the years.
New ones present a good opportunity to choose a different mount style for the jib sheet cleats. I prefer them to be along the outside below the top line of the teak. I found the original ones that have an 'L' mount that sets them above the teak line easy to snag lines (and clothes) on. That original cleat also makes a rub point on a cockpit cover. Plus, you get to chuck all the other things others have mounted there and decide what you really want.
The reward is that new ones look really good!
New ones present a good opportunity to choose a different mount style for the jib sheet cleats. I prefer them to be along the outside below the top line of the teak. I found the original ones that have an 'L' mount that sets them above the teak line easy to snag lines (and clothes) on. That original cleat also makes a rub point on a cockpit cover. Plus, you get to chuck all the other things others have mounted there and decide what you really want.
The reward is that new ones look really good!
Re: TYW Need To Replace Cockpit Comb
We recently did a set of coamings for another Typhoon owner, and can do one for you for $450 plus shipping. If you are only going to replace one, we will need the exact thickness of the other coaming in order to give you a matched set.
If you want more of a do-it-yourself project, we can also just cut the blank for the longer piece of the coaming, and you can build up the return and do the final shaping and finish work yourself. Let me know if you are interested.
Duncan Maio
Mystic Marine
We recently did a set of coamings for another Typhoon owner, and can do one for you for $450 plus shipping. If you are only going to replace one, we will need the exact thickness of the other coaming in order to give you a matched set.
If you want more of a do-it-yourself project, we can also just cut the blank for the longer piece of the coaming, and you can build up the return and do the final shaping and finish work yourself. Let me know if you are interested.
Duncan Maio
Mystic Marine