Cape Dory Purchase

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Cape Dory Purchase

Post by Jeff »

I am probably suffering from brain freeze or mid-life crisis but I am considering moving from a Hunter 28.5 which is fine for its intended purpose on a midwestern lake to a Cape Dory or ALberg 30. I know that I will give up interior cubic space as well has handling under power, especially backing, windward performance and overall speed. I believe that I will have better interior accomadations for the 3-4 people that will overnight since the aft cabin on the Hunter is too close in the summer.

I have sailed on a Triton 28 and also have helped restore and sailed a Kenner Privateer which are both long keel boats. My biggest concern is that both of these craft had pretty heavy weather helm which I do not like. Other than that, I am very partial to a traditional design and would like a boat I can personalize and make my own for the duration and eventually move to Florida.

I would appreciate input from anybody that has made this type of transformation. Also is there a site which lists areas of concern when looking at a C-30 for posible purchase?

Thanks ,


Ron Musk

Re: Cape Dory Purchase

Post by Ron Musk »

Jeff wrote: I am probably suffering from brain freeze or mid-life crisis but I am considering moving from a Hunter 28.5 which is fine for its intended purpose on a midwestern lake to a Cape Dory or ALberg 30. I know that I will give up interior cubic space as well has handling under power, especially backing, windward performance and overall speed. I believe that I will have better interior accomadations for the 3-4 people that will overnight since the aft cabin on the Hunter is too close in the summer.

I have sailed on a Triton 28 and also have helped restore and sailed a Kenner Privateer which are both long keel boats. My biggest concern is that both of these craft had pretty heavy weather helm which I do not like. Other than that, I am very partial to a traditional design and would like a boat I can personalize and make my own for the duration and eventually move to Florida.

I would appreciate input from anybody that has made this type of transformation. Also is there a site which lists areas of concern when looking at a C-30 for posible purchase?

Thanks ,

Jeff,take care to go over gel coat cracks for indications of water in the core.especially the foredeck and front of deckhouse.Also remove wheel house and check cockpit sole around rudderpost and any where they cut to install steering unit.CD didn't seal the core in these areas at all and they often have core rot in these locations.Good luck.
Ron Musk
s/v "R&R"
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