Blocks on cabin

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Blocks on cabin

Post by GeorgeH »

I am ashamed to say that after sailing Spartina for almost 6 years I still don't know what the two blocks on the top of the cabin are for. The port block is a standup spring block and the the starboard block is attached to a fairlead. Anyone have a similar setup on their boat?
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Re: Blocks on cabin

Post by moctrams »

I've seen this arrangement for a mainsail down haul.
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Re: Blocks on cabin

Post by Carl Thunberg »

Or as a turning block for the spinnaker pole topping lift, perhaps?
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Re: Blocks on cabin

Post by adamganz »

I don't know if all 28s had a self tending jib boom but I've seen a couple of versions. On my '83, I had traveler in front of the mast. The sheet lead through a block on that traveler, then to the starboard block you show in your photo and back to the cockpit. I think earlier 28s didn't have the traveler; maybe the second block was part of that earlier self tending jib assembly?
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Re: Blocks on cabin

Post by Jim Walsh »

adamganz wrote:I don't know if all 28s had a self tending jib boom but I've seen a couple of versions. On my '83, I had traveler in front of the mast. The sheet lead through a block on that traveler, then to the starboard block you show in your photo and back to the cockpit. I think earlier 28s didn't have the traveler; maybe the second block was part of that earlier self tending jib assembly?
Yes, the original arrangement was self tending. Take a look at the CD28 owners manual and product brochure on this site.
Jim Walsh

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Steve Laume
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Re: Blocks on cabin

Post by Steve Laume »

My vote would definitely be for a self tending jib. The sheet would be fastened to the boom, run down to one of the deck blocks then back up to a block on the boom, back down to the other block which would route it to the cabin top winch in the cockpit.

This is a very nice arrangement if you are going to be doing a lot of short tacking, Steve.
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Re: Blocks on cabin

Post by psjanker »

Yep, they support the Club foot Jib setup.


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Re: Blocks on cabin

Post by GeorgeH »

Thanks to all who weighed in. When I bought Spartina she had a large furling jib attached. A previous owner must have ditched the original club footed jib.
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Re: Blocks on cabin

Post by joemerchant »

Yes, self tending club setup would be my vote. You can rig them up to be nice little "preventers" to hold the main out when going dead down and wing on wing, though the dorade vent may get in the way of the port line. Also, if you still have a small 100% or less jib, you can experiment with leading the sheets through them to get a better sail shape sailing up wind.
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Re: Blocks on cabin

Post by Steve Laume »

Are those lines running up over the hand rails, preventers?

I can't think of any good use for those blocks on the fore deck. They are probably in the wrong place for just about anything but their intended purpose. Too far inboard for preventers. Too far forward for jib leads. Too far off center for down hauls.

If you are never going to have a club jib you might want to change them to pad eyes so you could lash things on the cabin top. If you ever did find a reason for a block in that location you could always attch it to the pad eye, Steve.
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Re: Blocks on cabin

Post by joemerchant »

Steve, I believe you are right on all accounts. I would still experiment with it for a small jib as others have removed the self-tending club and still used the blocks for sheets with varied success.
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Re: Blocks on cabin

Post by Steve Laume »

You may experience flutter foot when tacking the jib sheet down, so far forward. Flutter foot is an ancient nautical term I just made up, Steve.
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Re: Blocks on cabin

Post by Keith »


If you look at page 14 of the 1978 28 owners manual referenced above you can see how the club footed jib is rigged.

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Re: Blocks on cabin

Post by Neil Gordon »

Steve Laume wrote:I can't think of any good use for those blocks on the fore deck.
I've run the boom vang through the starboard block and back to the cabin top winch and cam cleat.
Fair winds, Neil

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Re: Blocks on cabin

Post by House »


On our '83 the starboard block in your photo holds lines for the cunningham and outhaul, led to the cockpit. The PO had the boat set up this way and we have kept it ever since. She has roller furling, but all the self-tending jib gear was included in the sale, too.

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