Universal M18 Starting

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Rich Collier

Universal M18 Starting

Post by Rich Collier »

My CD-28 (#372) is equipped with the Universal M18 engine. My problem is that the starter motor does not always immediatly engage when the glow plug and start buttons are pressed. The single click of the solenoid engaging is heard, but it might take many tries before the starter motor engages. When the starter does engage, the engine fires right up and runs fine. I keep my batteries topped off, so I do not suspect them as the culprit. Anyone out there heard of this problem and solutions ?


Re: Universal M18 Starting

Post by sloopjohnl »

had a similar problem with a Kubota three-cyclinder 28hp. the starter has a solenoid mounted right on top. for some reason we were not able to generate enough voltage to get the starter to kick. what the factory tech had us do was add a solenoid separate from the starter solenoid. we did not disconnect the one mounted on the starter, just added another as part of the starter circuit. you would be surprised the little bit of difference in the voltage requirement to start and not start.
make sure the click you are hearing is the solenoid and not the fuel shutoff lever releasing at the injection pump.
check your connections and check the overall condition of the wiring to make sure you do not have a voltage loss somewhere between the battery and the starter solenoid and the solenoid and the starter motor itself.
happy motoring.

Rich Collier wrote: My CD-28 (#372) is equipped with the Universal M18 engine. My problem is that the starter motor does not always immediatly engage when the glow plug and start buttons are pressed. The single click of the solenoid engaging is heard, but it might take many tries before the starter motor engages. When the starter does engage, the engine fires right up and runs fine. I keep my batteries topped off, so I do not suspect them as the culprit. Anyone out there heard of this problem and solutions ?

Re: Universal M18 Starting

Post by Tom »

Rich Collier wrote: My CD-28 (#372) is equipped with the Universal M18 engine. My problem is that the starter motor does not always immediatly engage when the glow plug and start buttons are pressed. The single click of the solenoid engaging is heard, but it might take many tries before the starter motor engages. When the starter does engage, the engine fires right up and runs fine. I keep my batteries topped off, so I do not suspect them as the culprit. Anyone out there heard of this problem and solutions ?
Rich, This is a common problem with Univesal engines. I've had the problem with my M-25 for 12 years and never completely solved it. There are some other posts concerning this in the archives. If you ever get it solved, please let us know. It's especially bad when the engine is still warm like at a fuel dock. Having said that my engine has never failed to ultimately start, just diddle with the buttons ntil she goes. If you want to know things that have been tried and theories about what causes it, write me directly, I don't want to bore the board. Good luck on this one!

Larry DeMers

Re: Universal M18 Starting

Post by Larry DeMers »

If this were a car, I would say that the contacts for the starter solenoid are burned, which coats them with carbon and burns pits in the metal. Eventually they can open entirely. Relace the start solenoid itself, or provide a parallel relay contact that can handle your inrush current plus 50%. Supply a capacitor to absorb the starters collapsing magnetic field when the motor is stopped (starter shops should be able to advise here).

What happens is that every time the starter is turned off (key let go of), the start relay contacts open, allowing the magnetic field that the motor has created to collapse, producing a huge back-emf spike of voltage. Normally, a large capacitor is used across the contact, which absorbs the energy, preventing arcing on the contacts. If the capacitor is dead or disconnected, the contact will arc and pit and burn on every release of the starter key.

Again, starter repair shops for cars should be able to determine exactly the problem on their test bench. It is probably a good thing to have the bearings checked, and brushes replaced etc. also.


Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30
Rich Collier wrote: My CD-28 (#372) is equipped with the Universal M18 engine. My problem is that the starter motor does not always immediatly engage when the glow plug and start buttons are pressed. The single click of the solenoid engaging is heard, but it might take many tries before the starter motor engages. When the starter does engage, the engine fires right up and runs fine. I keep my batteries topped off, so I do not suspect them as the culprit. Anyone out there heard of this problem and solutions ?


Re: Universal M18 Starting

Post by Jerry »

Rich Collier wrote: My CD-28 (#372) is equipped with the Universal M18 engine. My problem is that the starter motor does not always immediatly engage when the glow plug and start buttons are pressed. The single click of the solenoid engaging is heard, but it might take many tries before the starter motor engages. When the starter does engage, the engine fires right up and runs fine. I keep my batteries topped off, so I do not suspect them as the culprit. Anyone out there heard of this problem and solutions ?
I had the same problem with the Universal M18 in my CD30. Comments on this board at the time suggested replacing the glow plug and starter push buttons on the panel in the cockpit since corrosion can get into these contacts over time. I did that and the problem was resolved completely for about a year. Now I occasionally get the same kind of lock-up, but not nearly as frequently as before.
Joe Valinoti

Re: Universal M18 Starting

Post by Joe Valinoti »

Rich Collier wrote: My CD-28 (#372) is equipped with the Universal M18 engine. My problem is that the starter motor does not always immediatly engage when the glow plug and start buttons are pressed. The single click of the solenoid engaging is heard, but it might take many tries before the starter motor engages. When the starter does engage, the engine fires right up and runs fine. I keep my batteries topped off, so I do not suspect them as the culprit. Anyone out there heard of this problem and solutions ?
A. Make sure all battery terminals arge perfectly clean.
B. Your batteries absolutely must have at least half a charge
c. The ground for your engine must be good
There are relatively simple ways to check where the problem is. All boats should have a 12V test light on board. Connect the light between the heavy wire coming from the solenoid to the starter and ground. The light should come on when the starter button is depressed. If it doesn't make sure the terminal on the solenoid gets hot when the starter button is depressed. If the light lights on the solenoid but not the starter, suspect the solenoid. If it lights on the starter, suspect the starter or even a bad engine ground.
Joe ( a retired mechanic)

Gary McDonough

Re: Universal M18 Starting

Post by Gary McDonough »

I had the same situation last summer on my CD30. A new starter button solved the problem.



Re: Universal M18 Starting

Post by sloopjohnl »

a multimeter would help here to see if you are getting enough juice and not just some juice. a light may light at less than the voltage needed for the starter to engage.

Joe Valinoti wrote:
Rich Collier wrote: My CD-28 (#372) is equipped with the Universal M18 engine. My problem is that the starter motor does not always immediatly engage when the glow plug and start buttons are pressed. The single click of the solenoid engaging is heard, but it might take many tries before the starter motor engages. When the starter does engage, the engine fires right up and runs fine. I keep my batteries topped off, so I do not suspect them as the culprit. Anyone out there heard of this problem and solutions ?
A. Make sure all battery terminals arge perfectly clean.
B. Your batteries absolutely must have at least half a charge
c. The ground for your engine must be good
There are relatively simple ways to check where the problem is. All boats should have a 12V test light on board. Connect the light between the heavy wire coming from the solenoid to the starter and ground. The light should come on when the starter button is depressed. If it doesn't make sure the terminal on the solenoid gets hot when the starter button is depressed. If the light lights on the solenoid but not the starter, suspect the solenoid. If it lights on the starter, suspect the starter or even a bad engine ground.
Joe ( a retired mechanic)
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