newglass II

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

John Phillips

newglass II

Post by John Phillips »

Last spring there was some discussion about Newglass II. Generally the respondents seemed happy with it. After a season, has it held up as expected? I am just beginning to do some work on my Typhoon and today I received their spam. I had planned to use 3m's fiberglass restorer and wax. Should Newglass II be used over that, or should the hull be just cleaned first? Someone commented that they waxed over the Newglass to protect it from cleaners, does that hold up? Thank you for your time.


Don't buy products from spammers

Post by Russell »

Newglass II is much discussed on boating boards because the owner was spamming them to no end a year ago. You would be wise not to avoid them.

Re: Don't buy products from spammers

Post by John »

I don't care for spam either, but I also don't like all of the ads in the Sunday paper, yet I buy items from Walmart, Circuit City, etc. and ususally grab the coupons for the local grocery store. What I really want to know is if the product is as good as some on this board felt it was last spring and if they used it after buffing out tired gelcoat. Thank you for your help.
Russell wrote: Newglass II is much discussed on boating boards because the owner was spamming them to no end a year ago. You would be wise not to avoid them.
Larry DeMers

Re: newglass II

Post by Larry DeMers »

I used a similar product with a different name. It is an impressive product for the first 3 months ..shiny, water repellant, engine exhaust soot washed off easily etc...
Well, it behaved about like our normal teflon wax does..but about 2x as expensive. At the end of the year, there was no shine from the surface, and for all intents, it was gone. We used a 2 pint containers worth over the summer..and that did not go far at all. If I did our CD30 over all with this stuff, I would need over $50 worth..teflon is better.


Larry Demers
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30 ~~Just Ignore Spammers!~~~

John Phillips wrote: Last spring there was some discussion about Newglass II. Generally the respondents seemed happy with it. After a season, has it held up as expected? I am just beginning to do some work on my Typhoon and today I received their spam. I had planned to use 3m's fiberglass restorer and wax. Should Newglass II be used over that, or should the hull be just cleaned first? Someone commented that they waxed over the Newglass to protect it from cleaners, does that hold up? Thank you for your time.

Jerry Hammernik

Re: newglass II

Post by Jerry Hammernik »

John Phillips wrote: Last spring there was some discussion about Newglass II. Generally the respondents seemed happy with it. After a season, has it held up as expected? I am just beginning to do some work on my Typhoon and today I received their spam. I had planned to use 3m's fiberglass restorer and wax. Should Newglass II be used over that, or should the hull be just cleaned first? Someone commented that they waxed over the Newglass to protect it from cleaners, does that hold up? Thank you for your time.

I used it last summer and so far, so good. It must be different than the stuff that Lary talks about because I only used 1/2 bottle to put seven coats on my 28. It still has a nice shine sitting in the shed waiting for the snow to melt. (Hurry up Spring!) I'm happy so far. It's at least as good as wax as far as durability and shine is much better.

Jerry Hammernik
Lion's Paw CD28 #341

Do what you want, but that's a bad analogy

Post by Russell »

"..but I also don't like all of the ads in the Sunday paper."

Advertisers pay the publisher to put ads in the paper. The NewGlass II fellow put his ad into a lot of sailing bulletin boards without the owners' permission and against their explicit rules. The spammer isn't like the store owner who pays to advertise in a newspaper. He's like the guy who breaks into a radio station and sneaks his message into the broadcast tape.

Spam is a dishonest way of doing business. And dishonesty is a habit, one to watch for in others. Maybe it doesn't make much difference when there is only a few bucks at risk. If NewGlass II isn't all it is cracked up to be, you can always try something else.
Catherine Monaghan

Re: newglass II

Post by Catherine Monaghan »


We applied Newglass II to Realization's hull last Spring -- used about 1/2 bottle and we applied 6 coats. The hull is still shiny right now but we'll see how it continues to fair. Will keep you posted. or
CD32 Realization, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay
John Phillips wrote: Last spring there was some discussion about Newglass II. Generally the respondents seemed happy with it. After a season, has it held up as expected? I am just beginning to do some work on my Typhoon and today I received their spam. I had planned to use 3m's fiberglass restorer and wax. Should Newglass II be used over that, or should the hull be just cleaned first? Someone commented that they waxed over the Newglass to protect it from cleaners, does that hold up? Thank you for your time.

Larry Austin

Re: Do what you want, but that's a bad analogy

Post by Larry Austin »

Well, I really don't care if someone pays or doesn't pay to to let us know about a product/idea. If someone had an idea/product that would keep your prop super clean, no barnacles ever again, I wouldn't care if he paid or didn't paid to let us know...just let us know!!

By the way, where can I get info on this "Newglass" stuff? I must have missed the spam.

Larry Austin
Catherine Monaghan

Re: Do what you want, but that's a bad analogy

Post by Catherine Monaghan »

<a href=""></a>

Larry Austin wrote: Well, I really don't care if someone pays or doesn't pay to to let us know about a product/idea. If someone had an idea/product that would keep your prop super clean, no barnacles ever again, I wouldn't care if he paid or didn't paid to let us know...just let us know!!

By the way, where can I get info on this "Newglass" stuff? I must have missed the spam.

Larry Austin
Larry Austin

Re: Do what you want, but that's a bad analogy

Post by Larry Austin »

Catherine, you are just amazing! Thanks for the link.

Larry Austin
CD30MKII 002

Do you care if this bulletin board stays useful?

Post by Russell »

The problem, Larry, is that EVERY vendor believes that their own product is the gee-whiz one that you want to know about. More, they want to make sure that you see THEIR ad bigger and more often than their competitors and near competitors. As a result, when vendors are allowed to advertise for free in a newsgroup or bulletin board, they very quickly destroy the commons, generating so many ads for so many things so frequently, that the non-commercial posts are lost. You can't even find the commercial posts that interest you! There are plenty of boards and newsgroups where this has happened, that became nothing but wastelands of ads. That is why most bulletin boards forbid commercial posts. (It says so right up at top. See?)

Of course, the best situation for any advertiser is to put their ad where there is interesting content and few other ads. And where better than where advertising is prohibited? Just think: everyone comes for the uncluttered, noncommercial discussion, every other commercial entity is gone, and there is THEIR ad. PERFECT. And that is what NewGlass II did. The attraction of cheating is the pay off. Give them full credit for effective advertising.

Re: Do you care if this bulletin board stays useful?

Post by John »

Please relax. I assume that whenever you capitalize the words, you are screaming, that is really a shame. Fix a scotch and take a deep breath. This product in this instance did not clutter up the board. They emailed me direct. Now, maybe they got my name because I responded to one of their ads, maybe because I filled out something at a boat show, or maybe last spring THEY STOLE MY NAME FROM THIS BOARD. I really don't know and really don't care. The point is that I was trying to find out if anyone had had good luck with the product. That type of discourse is what this board is all about. Those who responded had mixed results. Will I use it, I don't know. Today I have scraped bottom paint and removed the boot stripe from my CD18. I have wonderous visions of what it will look like when I am done. I have had my scotch and I am not willing to suffer someone with a busted up soap box. Let's get off of the spam and talk about boats.
Russell wrote: The problem, Larry, is that EVERY vendor believes that their own product is the gee-whiz one that you want to know about. More, they want to make sure that you see THEIR ad bigger and more often than their competitors and near competitors. As a result, when vendors are allowed to advertise for free in a newsgroup or bulletin board, they very quickly destroy the commons, generating so many ads for so many things so frequently, that the non-commercial posts are lost. You can't even find the commercial posts that interest you! There are plenty of boards and newsgroups where this has happened, that became nothing but wastelands of ads. That is why most bulletin boards forbid commercial posts. (It says so right up at top. See?)

Of course, the best situation for any advertiser is to put their ad where there is interesting content and few other ads. And where better than where advertising is prohibited? Just think: everyone comes for the uncluttered, noncommercial discussion, every other commercial entity is gone, and there is THEIR ad. PERFECT. And that is what NewGlass II did. The attraction of cheating is the pay off. Give them full credit for effective advertising.

That scotch was a good idea

Post by Russell »

I'm now sipping a finger of Laphroiag. The caps are because I don't know how to italicize on this board. The New Glass II guy spammed several boating bulletin boards, again and again. I suspect he stopped only after enough complaints to his ISP put his website at risk. When this product gets mentioned, I'm going to remind people that the seller is a cheat, with no respect for the community he sells into. What folks do with that information is entirely up to them.

I'd forgotten how good this scotch was. If you like scotch, you might give it a try. It has a peatier flavor than some of the others. Cheers.
Larry Austin

Re: Do you care if this bulletin board stays useful?

Post by Larry Austin »

Russell, I didn't mean to upset ya. All I was trying to say is that if someone has an product that they would like to tell us/me about, hey tell me about it! Maybe this guy is spam'n everyone else twice a day but I've never hear of it. Now I have, and I promise to never never never, bring it up again!

I think I'll have that Scotch now!


Larry Austin
Matt Cawthorne

Newglass II

Post by Matt Cawthorne »

I hate spammers too, but this stuff is wonderful.

For the first few years that I had my 1982 CD-36 the topsides looked terrible. There was serious chalking due to old age. Waxing without compounding was not working. I eventually settled on the following procedure.... Compound, use hull cleaner, liquid wax and then two to 3 coats of paste wax. When I saw the Newglass demo at the boat show I invested $35 in a bottle. I tried it on the port bow section and wax on the rest of the hull. The applicator then was a lot like a handi-wipe and left the surface a little streaky at the end of the season it looked better than the waxed areas. The next season I did the same procedure, but just topcoated the Newglass. Last year I did the whole boat in Newglass II. The new applicators are more like a chamois and it eliminated the streaks. I had people ask if my boat was just painted. When many people saw how good it came out they wanted to know what it was. At least 5 other boats in the marina switched when they saw how good it looked. It still looks good at the end of the season, but has a little brown at the water line. I have found that Y-10 cleans this right up. I believe in this product and recommend it. No I do not have financial ties to these guys. I do recommend Getting your hull absolutely clean before coating it. Any dirt that you coat over will remain there for a long time.

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