Barnacle Build Up on Prop

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Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Re: Barnacle Build Up on Prop

Post by JWSutcliffe »

After a relatively minor pressure wash-only had to take off some slime.
Skip Sutcliffe
CD31 Oryx
Jim Walsh
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Re: Barnacle Build Up on Prop

Post by Jim Walsh »

This is my second season using Rustoleum Cold Galvanizing on the prop and Sea Hawk Cukote on the hull. I've had wonderful results so far. Yesterday I used my face mask and flippers to check the hull and the prop. No barnacles whatsoever. I've logged a lot of miles this season so I've put the ablative properties of the paint to the test, plus I was in very warm seas for over six weeks.
The suitability of bottom paint varies dramatically according to your home waters but I've definitely found what works for me. :D
Jim Walsh

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Re: Barnacle Build Up on Prop

Post by jen1722terry »

Not to beat this thread to death, but I will anyway.

Our boat is summering in Nova Scotia in a warmer-than-the-local-average shallow harbor. We had a mechanical problem this summer and, with parts delivery and labor scheduling very slow up here, the boat sat on her mooring out front of our house from July 25 through August 30, with only an hour or two of low rev turning the prop in between.

We sprayed the cleaned prop/shaft last fall with 3 coats of the Rustoleum stuff, as we did last year. Last year, we had no barnacles on the prop or shaft, but we also put over 200 hours on the engine. This year, however, we now have some small ones on the inner blades and hub, and on the shaft, which I knocked off yesterday with a scraper.

The harbor we're in gets a lot of growth and barnacles in general due to the warm temps and nutrient load from two in-flowing rivers, so I would have to say that, in my experiment with a sample size of one, the Rustoleum is fairly effective.


Jennifer & Terry McAdams
Kearsarge, New Hampshire
Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia
CD 31 #33 "Glissade"
Way too many other small boats
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