Purple stains on CD Senior bottom?

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Steve B

Purple stains on CD Senior bottom?

Post by Steve B »

I a 1987 CD 23' Senior which has developed some purple stains [ the size of a dime] showing through the bottom paint. What is the cause, and should I be concerned?
Larry DeMers

Re: Purple stains on CD Senior bottom?

Post by Larry DeMers »

Those purple stains are from uncured resins within the fiberglass. Usually, you will find small blisters at the site of the stain also. It is something to be concerned over..but it is not disaster. They do need to be repaired however. The typical treatment is to open up the blister, clean with acetone, and allow to dry for the winter. Then fill with epoxy, fair off, and then add bottom paint.
There are a number of people who have posted the procedure here..so try the search facility to find "Purple stains".

Good Luck!

Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30

Steve B wrote: I a 1987 CD 23' Senior which has developed some purple stains [ the size of a dime] showing through the bottom paint. What is the cause, and should I be concerned?

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