Removing vinyl graphics

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Clay Stalker

Removing vinyl graphics

Post by Clay Stalker »

I have recently purchased a CD27 and am planning to change the name.
Any suggestions on how to remove the old name and hailing port without damaging or scratching the gel coat?? Many thanks, and I am greatly enjoying this site...

Re: Removing vinyl graphics

Post by eric »

I used easy off oven cleaner last spring. It worked quite well, but be careful you don't smear the paint and/or goo around as it comes off. Work on a small area at a time.

Clay Stalker wrote: I have recently purchased a CD27 and am planning to change the name.
Any suggestions on how to remove the old name and hailing port without damaging or scratching the gel coat?? Many thanks, and I am greatly enjoying this site...

Re: Removing vinyl graphics

Post by Kurt »

If it's vinyl try acetone...if it's paint try using 600 grit wet sandpaper followed by 1200 and some rubbing compound
Bill Goldsmith

Re: Removing vinyl graphics

Post by Bill Goldsmith »

A heat gun on low (or even a hair dryer) will help to soften the adhesive, and you may be able to peel the vinyl easily while hot. The adhesive will leave residue that will probably succumb to acetone as mentioned in another post.

Good luck!!

Clay Stalker wrote: I have recently purchased a CD27 and am planning to change the name.
Any suggestions on how to remove the old name and hailing port without damaging or scratching the gel coat?? Many thanks, and I am greatly enjoying this site...
Ron Musk

Re: Removing vinyl graphics

Post by Ron Musk »

Clay Stalker wrote: I have recently purchased a CD27 and am planning to change the name.
Any suggestions on how to remove the old name and hailing port without damaging or scratching the gel coat?? Many thanks, and I am greatly enjoying this site...
Clay,you cant just change your boats name-there are rules you must follow or your mo-jo will suffer.Congratulations the CD27's a great boat!

Ron Musk
CD30 #42
Neil Gordon

Re: Removing vinyl graphics

Post by Neil Gordon »

>>I have recently purchased a CD27 and am planning to change the name.<<

I had little trouble getting the registration numbers off the bow when LIQUIDITY was documented. A hair dryer will soften the adhesive... gently get under the graphic and slowly pull it off.

I recommend keeping the peeled off *old* name on board. Boats don't always like having their names changed, and a poorly named boat may get back at you by sinking. The fact that your boat floats is proof enough she likes her name... so save the scrapings and keep then in a secure place.

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167
Ken Coit

Re: Removing vinyl graphics

Post by Ken Coit »

I too have used non-toxic oven cleaner on paint.

Lighter fluid does a pretty good job taking adhesive residue from price stickers on book covers. I haven't tried it on boats.

There is a chemical used in the window film industry that removes window film. You can find it in auto paint shops. I doubt that you want to be in contact with or breathe it.

Ken Coit
S/V Parfait
eric wrote: I used easy off oven cleaner last spring. It worked quite well, but be careful you don't smear the paint and/or goo around as it comes off. Work on a small area at a time.

Clay Stalker wrote: I have recently purchased a CD27 and am planning to change the name.
Any suggestions on how to remove the old name and hailing port without damaging or scratching the gel coat?? Many thanks, and I am greatly enjoying this site...
Robert Melvin

Re: Removing vinyl graphics

Post by Robert Melvin »

I removed the vinyl letters on my typhoon last year via hairdryer and then acetone on the adhesive.

Be careful, as said before you can't just rename a boat. There is a whole DENAMING ritual you must follow. I can email a copy if you want. When we renamed our boat, i didn't know about the ritual but i knew it was bad luck at the time. Since i had no choice (the kids wanted a new name) i talked and pleaded with the boat to keep us safe and told her she would be happy and loved with her new family. After a half hour of talking/begging the boat agreed to be renamed but made me promise to take care of her. My wife thought I was crazy (i don't know why) but it must have work because it stayed afloat.

The denaming ritual is a lot easier
Russell Rau

Re: Removing vinyl graphics

Post by Russell Rau »

The heat gun is on track and a hair dryer could be substituted. Use only the amount of heat necessary to break down the bond. A plastic spatula or bondo spreader works well to remove the loosened vinyl without scratching the gelcoat. To remove the remaining film use 3M adhesive remover. Available in most auto or boat shops. If you can still see shadows from where the graphics were removed, try wet sanding with 1500 grit followed by 2000 grit, then light compound and wax.
Clay Stalker wrote: I have recently purchased a CD27 and am planning to change the name.
Any suggestions on how to remove the old name and hailing port without damaging or scratching the gel coat?? Many thanks, and I am greatly enjoying this site...
D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: NO, you Must remove all of the old name.....

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »


Catherine Monaghan may be able to verify this, but I think that you must remove all old naming materials from the vessel before renaming her. Aeolus and Neptune may not take kindly to renaming before that is done. Leftovers confuse the gods easily....FWIW...

Dave Stump
captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30
D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: Clay, Vigor's Interdenominational Boat Denaming Ceremony

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »

If you do a search at the top of the page on "Denaming", you will get 15 results. Click on number 4, a post by Catherine Monaghan on 8/30/00, click on her website, and viola! John Vigor's denaming ceremony will appear.

I think this will answer all of your questions.

Oh, by the way, we did not use champagne for the denaming, we used a good chardonnay! But I had heard that for a truly effective denaming ceremony one must use "virgin" urine!! I walked the docks of Mystic CT for days trying to find a supplier, the only source I could find was West Marine, and they wanted $1500.00 an ounce! So, we settled on the chardonnay, with apparently good results.

Isn't this board something....??????

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30
Neil Gordon

Re: NO, you Must remove all of the old name.....

Post by Neil Gordon »

>>...I think that you must remove all old naming materials from the vessel before renaming her.<<

It's been four years since I tenderly compounded "Sanderling, Hingham" from the transom. The rag turned a nice blue as the name was disolved and absorbed. The remnant has been safely stored aboard LIQUIDITY for four years, without incident.

There's no question that the boat's been renamed and, importantly, the old name has been stricken from Neptune's *official record*... but there's also no question that the old name is respected; I would not want to risk offending either the boat or her protectors by suggesting there was anything "wrong" with a name that was proudly displayed on her transom for ten years or more.

Note that the same does not apply at all to state registration numbers. Once removed, they are certainly trash. <s>

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167
D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: OK, I'll buy that.......nm

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »

dave low

You folks have scared the bejesus out of me

Post by dave low »

I am nearly frozen with panic....My first boat (a Cape Dory of course)and it appears that I may be upsetting Neptune already.

The Coast Guard says that I need to update the hailing port in a timely fashion. I love the name (Second Wind - a CD30) and have no plans on changing it but do need to officially move her to a new "home".

Will Neptune be pissed when I change her port ? Is there any godly appeasements that are in order?
D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: I wouldn't think so....

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »


I wouldn't think that you have angered any of the gods of the sea, Because they are aware of any port you lay into, but the Coast Guard is another story. Contact the vessel documentation center and ask them what it costs to change the hailing port. I don't think you have to go through a complete redocumentation, but I'm not sure. If you do have to, you can do it yourself and I think it costs about $80. Anyhow, the documentation center people will be glad to answer your questions. Can find their telephone number on the coast guard web site.

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30
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