A new boat show called Pleasure Boats is supposed to be aired 02-18-01 on the Speedvision net. It shows my 10 foot miny tug I built and use for a tender when Karen and I cruise with our 28 CD flybridge. We tow it behind our CD28. It was filmed almost 2 years ago! At that time I had a 43 Albin sundeck. I now have the 28 Cd and am very happy with it. It fits in our boat slip here in the suamp behind our home. I want to post a photo of the tug and will if I can learn how. If you watch the show there are at least 3 incorrect statements. First I do not live aboard (I wish) When I told the narator I live on the river he must have though I ment on the boat. I live in a home on a canal. The second mistake is the pronouncation of Gloucester (Gloss-ter). The third is me talking about the engine on the tug with the camera on a close up on the word Evenrude and I say it is a Johnson! Oh well there goes my one chance at fame. I hope the show catches on. We need MORE boat shows. They also go to a port of call each episode. Clearwater Fl is on the first one. They review an 82 Choy Lee as I recal. They have sent me a copy of the first episode. I do not know the time of day it will be aired. I will let you all know if I find out the air time. I would like to post a jpg photo on this site of the minitug but do not know how. Any help would be welcomed. Happy boating Art
New Boat Show on TV
Moderator: Jim Walsh
You can't post pictures to this BB
Art, I'm not the webmaster, but I think you can't post pictures to the BB. Imagine loading this BB if there were 25 pictures attached to it everytime you loaded. You'd get sick of waiting for the attachments to load. What people do is establish a website with the picture and then establish a link to the website so that people who want to see it can invest the time downloading it without having to download 25 boats for sale etc.Art wrote: A new boat show called Pleasure Boats is supposed to be aired 02-18-01 on the Speedvision net. It shows my 10 foot miny tug I built and use for a tender when Karen and I cruise with our 28 CD flybridge. We tow it behind our CD28. It was filmed almost 2 years ago! At that time I had a 43 Albin sundeck. I now have the 28 Cd and am very happy with it. It fits in our boat slip here in the suamp behind our home. I want to post a photo of the tug and will if I can learn how. If you watch the show there are at least 3 incorrect statements. First I do not live aboard (I wish) When I told the narator I live on the river he must have though I ment on the boat. I live in a home on a canal. The second mistake is the pronouncation of Gloucester (Gloss-ter). The third is me talking about the engine on the tug with the camera on a close up on the word Evenrude and I say it is a Johnson! Oh well there goes my one chance at fame. I hope the show catches on. We need MORE boat shows. They also go to a port of call each episode. Clearwater Fl is on the first one. They review an 82 Choy Lee as I recal. They have sent me a copy of the first episode. I do not know the time of day it will be aired. I will let you all know if I find out the air time. I would like to post a jpg photo on this site of the minitug but do not know how. Any help would be welcomed. Happy boating Art
Posting Pictures
There are two ways to post a picture in a message. Both require that you have some way of uploading the picture to the Web. Usually your Internet Service Provider gives you some Web space and you can get instructions on uploading from their user information. Once the picture has been uploaded, it has a URL - for example, something like http://www.yourISP.com/~yourname/yourpix.jpg.Art wrote: A new boat show called Pleasure Boats is supposed to be aired 02-18-01 on the Speedvision net. <snip> I would like to post a jpg photo on this site of the minitug but do not know how. Any help would be welcomed.
Now, the easy way to post the picture in a message is to put the URL in the box labeled Optional Image URL, below the text box in the message entry page.
The other way, if you are conversant with HTML, is to put the IMAGE specifier right in the text of your message. HTML is allowed within the text of your message.
In either case, you'll have a chance to preview the message before posting to check that you did it right.
In consideration of board members using modems, please save your picture in JPG format and try to keep it small (by reducing the size and/or the JPG "quality" setting when you save it). Under 25k is nice; anything over 50k is pretty large.
- Walt Bilofsky