I have attempted to post a picture of a CD 10 Builder's Plate from my CD 10 #2335 Circa 1989. It is etched in sheet brass. When I bought the boat the plate was heavily weathered. That, combined with the VERY light engraving in the plate, made it very hard to read. I tried to use polish to no avail. I then resorted to light sanding which did shine it up a bit. I used progressively finer grade paper, so it is quite shiny now, although you can see a couple of dents and defects. IT is still a bit hard to read due to the light engraving, but here it is!! I hope I can successfully load this picture into the message!
CD 10 Builder's Plate
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: CD 10 Builder's Plate
Take a look at "New Boat Show on TV" response, "Posting Pictures".... Thats a start.