Can anyone suggest a supplier for teak veneer plywood, suitable for interior cabinet work, in the upper Chesapeake area?
David Brownlee
CD 31 #1 "Windrush"
Havre de Grace, MD
Source of teak plywood
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Source of teak plywood
There are probably better sources, but I just bought a 2x4ft. panel of 1/2" ply from Defender Ind. It is pretty expensive, but nice quality.
Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30
Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30
David Brownlee wrote: Can anyone suggest a supplier for teak veneer plywood, suitable for interior cabinet work, in the upper Chesapeake area?
David Brownlee
CD 31 #1 "Windrush"
Havre de Grace, MD
Re: Source of teak plywood
DavidDavid Brownlee wrote: Can anyone suggest a supplier for teak veneer plywood, suitable for interior cabinet work, in the upper Chesapeake area?
David Brownlee
CD 31 #1 "Windrush"
Havre de Grace, MD
Take a look in a magazine titled "Wooden Boat". I've seen sources advertised in it for the type of material you are looking for.
Bob MacCracken
CD 330 Odins Raven
Ameila Island, FL
Re: Source of teak plywood
Best source I know of is QUALITY WOODS, FLANDERS, N.J. 973 584 7554, I have bought everything from Teak Veneer, to teak planks, custom cut and teak parquet flooring for my house.David Brownlee wrote: Can anyone suggest a supplier for teak veneer plywood, suitable for interior cabinet work, in the upper Chesapeake area?
David Brownlee
CD 31 #1 "Windrush"
Havre de Grace, MD
In Baltimore, MD try..........
The Harbor Sales Co
1401 Russell St
Baltimore, MD 21230
They advertise in Wooden Boat another address:
1000 Harbor Court
Sudlersville MD 21668-1818
John Nuttall
s/v Aimless
CD31 #28
Lizard Lick, NC
1401 Russell St
Baltimore, MD 21230
They advertise in Wooden Boat another address:
1000 Harbor Court
Sudlersville MD 21668-1818
John Nuttall
s/v Aimless
CD31 #28
Lizard Lick, NC
Re: Source of teak plywood
Harbor Sales did move out of Baltimore to MD Eastern SHore some years ago. They are just off RT 301 N in Sudlersville. Still a good source of all teak ply (and others, too), though they no longer do the kind of skarfing work that they used to in B'more
David Brownlee wrote: Can anyone suggest a supplier for teak veneer plywood, suitable for interior cabinet work, in the upper Chesapeake area?
David Brownlee
CD 31 #1 "Windrush"
Havre de Grace, MD