Identification of cape dory sailboat and resources

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Philippa M. Guthrie

Identification of cape dory sailboat and resources

Post by Philippa M. Guthrie »

I live in Bloomington, Indiana. I have inherited a Cape Dory sailboat from my parents. It was sitting in a friend's barn for 20 years but is still in beautiful shape. You will note from the description below that I know nothing about boats or sailing, but I hope to learn.

I am trying to a) identify the model of the boat, and b)locate a resource for getting a replacement cover or tarp that fits the boat (the existing one has rotted and ripped) and also to repair a chip out of one of the pieces of wood in the interior. It may be that we will need a new sail also, but we have not opened it up yet to check. The boat is fairly small (about 15 feet)and has no identification on it except for the name Cape Dory and a small metal plaque with what appears to be a serial number. The number is 10-1750.

Can anyone help me? Thank you!
D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: Take a look @ top of page....

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »


Take a look at the top of the bulletin board page and you will see a heading marked "Cape Dorys". Click on it and a page that includes Cape Dory specifications for each vessel will appear.

I believe what you describe is either a CD-10 or a CD-14. But maybe a look at the specifications page will clarify for you. Also, pictures are included, so maybe you will recognize it that way.

Hope this helps....

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30
Bill Goldsmith

Re: Identification of cape dory sailboat and resources

Post by Bill Goldsmith »


I have a CD-10 which is exactly 10' 6" from measured from the transom to the forepeak. If you're REALLY new to boating, the transom is the slightly slanted vertical panel that is the "back" of the boat (not measured to the end of the rudder), and the forepeak is where the sides come together to a point at the "front" of the boat. If yours is fifteen feet long, it is not a CD-10, probably a 14. Hope this helps.

I do not believe there are stock replacement covers available, so you may need to talk to a local canvas shop to get a replacement sewn. Or you could consider doing it yourself if so inclined, using the old one as a template, particularly with the resources available at

You will learn much more about your boat by using this board, which is the single best Cape Dory resource around!

Bill Goldsmith
CD27 #173 "Second Chance" (1980)
CD10 #2335 "Another Chance" (1989)

Philippa M. Guthrie wrote: I live in Bloomington, Indiana. I have inherited a Cape Dory sailboat from my parents. It was sitting in a friend's barn for 20 years but is still in beautiful shape. You will note from the description below that I know nothing about boats or sailing, but I hope to learn.

I am trying to a) identify the model of the boat, and b)locate a resource for getting a replacement cover or tarp that fits the boat (the existing one has rotted and ripped) and also to repair a chip out of one of the pieces of wood in the interior. It may be that we will need a new sail also, but we have not opened it up yet to check. The boat is fairly small (about 15 feet)and has no identification on it except for the name Cape Dory and a small metal plaque with what appears to be a serial number. The number is 10-1750.

Can anyone help me? Thank you!
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