79 Typhoon Weekender #1638

Don't forget to snap some photos while you work on that boat project, then share them here.

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79 Typhoon Weekender #1638

Post by mikweekender »

New to the board. Thanks to all for the great tech posts. I've had the boat from Sept. 2013. We've had trailerables for years but not one with this keel and ballast. It's a great boat!
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Re: 79 Typhoon Weekender #1638

Post by wsfanning »

Well I'll be the first to welcome you then! Sweet looking boat.
and that's quite some workspace...
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Re: 79 Typhoon Weekender #1638

Post by Jim Walsh »

Welcome! Looks just great :D
Jim Walsh

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Re: 79 Typhoon Weekender #1638

Post by mikweekender »

The picture was the day I was checking out the boat at Possum Kingdom Lake west of Mineral Wells Texas. The workshop is at the marina where we found the boat. Wouldn't it be sweet to have that space to work in!
The boat had sat high and dry for number of years. The woodwork had been finished in 2013, and the bottom as well.
Being it's a 79 it has the cabin supports (slips my mind what the term is) for the mast, and I've tuned the shrouds to a 1" pull, per the newsletter. I've had the boat out many times in 20+ winds, and it does wonderfully. I do not have a compression post. Yes I do see the slack in the lewward shrouds, but recently put a couple of turns in and now, not so much slack.
Also I'm using a 50lb. thrust Minn kota trolling motor with a deep cycle marine battery with circuit breaker and maintainer/charger. I like it for the reliability and offers more utility to putt around the marina.
Again thanks to all for the forum/website!
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Re: 79 Typhoon Weekender #1638

Post by tjr818 »

Possum Kingdom lake :!: A long long time ago I was stationed at Fort Wolters in beautiful Mineral Wells. There was nothing there then as pretty as your Cape Dory. Congratulations. Do you sail,on Possum Kingdom lake?
Nonsuch 26 Ultra,
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Re: 79 Typhoon Weekender #1638

Post by mikweekender »

We brought the boat from Possum Kingdom to Joe Pool Lake in Grand Prairie Texas where we keep it in a slip.
I was honored to attend the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Garden dedication near the gate to Ft. Wolters a few years ago. A friend and former door gunner was one of many who helped build the memorial. Thanks for your service.
If you ever get into the DFW area let me know and we'll raise the sails on the Weekender!
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Re: 79 Typhoon Weekender #1638

Post by tjr818 »

Mikweekender ,
Thanks for the invitation. I did not know about that memorial. I'd love to see it. I will try to arrange a visit. Maybe this summer. If I do I will be sure to let you know.
Thanks, it was my privilege to serve.
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Re: 79 Typhoon Weekender #1638

Post by casampson »

Your boat looks beautiful. I have a 77 Typhoon that doesn't look half as pretty. Just curious -- has your boat been painted or is that the original gelcoat? Either way, she looks very shiny and white.
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Re: 79 Typhoon Weekender #1638

Post by mikweekender »

As far as I can tell it is the original gelcoat. When the pics were taken she had been in storage for some time and just recently had the bottom paint and wood shined up. I would guess the glass was buffed at the same time. Thanks for the kind words.
I sailed her a couple times this past week. We had some nice (high 60's) North Texas winter days. One day it was a steady 15 gusting up to 20. I was reminded why we all love this little cruiser so much.
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Re: 79 Typhoon Weekender #1638

Post by mikweekender »

I was wondering if anyone can identify the manufacturer of my trailer. I cannot find a spec plate on it anywhere, and we're trying to get it licensed. I saw a pic of one on Baggywrinkles blog and it has the same open face hubcaps and it appears to have similar front dolly wheel installation. Both are black. Thanks for any info.
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Re: 79 Typhoon Weekender #1638

Post by tjr818 »

mikweekender wrote:I was wondering if anyone can identify the manufacturer of my trailer. I cannot find a spec plate on it anywhere, and we're trying to get it licensed. I saw a pic of one on Baggywrinkles blog and it has the same open face hubcaps and it appears to have similar front dolly wheel installation. Both are black. Thanks for any info.
That happened to me before. In Missouri I was able to get it titled and licensed as a home made trailer. However, we are never able to sail in February, :cry:
Good Luck.
Nonsuch 26 Ultra,
Previously, Sláinte a CD27
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