outboard for typhoon day sailer

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Kenneth Thompson

outboard for typhoon day sailer

Post by Kenneth Thompson »

does anyone know max. hp or weight for outboard with this boat?


Re: outboard for typhoon day sailer

Post by Marino »

Try searching past postings. A short while back there was a very good discussion on this very subject.

- Marino
Kenneth Thompson wrote: does anyone know max. hp or weight for outboard with this boat?
Paul Danicic

Re: outboard for typhoon day sailer

Post by Paul Danicic »


I have a four horse Johnson Yachtwin long shaft and it pushes the typhoon along fine, if a bit noisily. My brother has a four horse Yamaha which seems to be a bit more powerful and quieter. I would not go above four or five horse. If you are in sheltered waters you might even get away with a two as wome have on this bulletin board.

Good Luck
Paul Danicic
Typhoon #1178
Hornet (Tucked away in the barn)

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