Typhoon Day Sailer

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Mark Walter

Typhoon Day Sailer

Post by Mark Walter »

This will be my first boat and I need some advice. I'll be sailing in the Hudson and have some questions. 1) When the boat is heeled over how quickly will green water come into the cockpit? 2)How is the righting moment and stability? 3) The Hudson has heavy currents/tides and erratic winds. Also it can get pretty choppy. Is the typhoon big enough for these conditions? 4) If I put a boom tent on it will it stay afloat after alot of rainfall? 5) Any thoughts on installing foam to help with floatation? 6) I've been out on an Ensign 23 foot, how does the typhoon compare? I love the size, shape and look of the typhoon day sailer do you think it is the right boat for the above concerns? Any help will be appreciated, thanks.

Dan H

Re: Typhoon Day Sailer

Post by Dan H »


The Typhoon is to sailboats as the E Class is to autos. You can feel free to have every confidence in your boat. What you need to do is gain confidence in your ability to sail. I think the best thing you can do is invite your friend with the Ensign out on your boat. The two are very similar. The Typhoon is probably a bit dryer than the Ensign. All my experience on the Hudson is on the ferry, so I can't help you there. The only suggestion I might make is to make sure you have a reliable outboard with a sail prop. I had a Johnson six on my Typhoon back in the seventies and she flew under full throttle.

Happy sailing,

Mark Walter wrote: This will be my first boat and I need some advice. I'll be sailing in the Hudson and have some questions. 1) When the boat is heeled over how quickly will green water come into the cockpit? 2)How is the righting moment and stability? 3) The Hudson has heavy currents/tides and erratic winds. Also it can get pretty choppy. Is the typhoon big enough for these conditions? 4) If I put a boom tent on it will it stay afloat after alot of rainfall? 5) Any thoughts on installing foam to help with floatation? 6) I've been out on an Ensign 23 foot, how does the typhoon compare? I love the size, shape and look of the typhoon day sailer do you think it is the right boat for the above concerns? Any help will be appreciated, thanks.

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