I understand that the 22' Typhoon Senior, 25 and 26 have outboard wells. Were these boats originally equiped with some kind of plug to place in the well and fair off the hole when the boat was sailed with the motor removed?
CD's with outboard wells, was there a plug?
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: CD's with outboard wells, was there a plug?
As far as I know, not the CD26. The cockpit drains into the well. I haven't had much experience with big seas, so I can't say this applies to all, but I haven't seen evidence of water coming up into the cockpit thru the well.dickee sis wrote: I understand that the 22' Typhoon Senior, 25 and 26 have outboard wells. Were these boats originally equiped with some kind of plug to place in the well and fair off the hole when the boat was sailed with the motor removed?
Re: CD's with outboard wells, was there a plug?
No plugs. We drag our props in the water, behind the keel, just like the diesel Cape Dory boats. Removing the engine while sailing is too much trouble, and where would it be stowed underway? Where would you stow the plug when you remove it to insert the engine? It's not worth the hassle. Even racing, most rules require the o/b motor to be in its normal in-water location during a race. Perhaps it would be useful if you want to become a pure-sail boat for an ocean crossing, but even then, I think I'd want the huge cockpit drain the well provides. Motorwell plugs are theoretically neat, but as a practical matter, they're ridiculous.
dickee sis wrote: I understand that the 22' Typhoon Senior, 25 and 26 have outboard wells. Were these boats originally equiped with some kind of plug to place in the well and fair off the hole when the boat was sailed with the motor removed?
Re: CD's with outboard wells, was there a plug?
I didn't know about any plug available for the 25. We made our own, a simple wooden one with a slit along one edge to allow drainage. We held the plug in place with bungee cords. The plug eliminated the splashing we had been getting up into the well and minimized drag. We did most of our sailing with the plug in place and the outboard in the seat locker. (We have since moved up to a larger CD.)dickee sis wrote: I understand that the 22' Typhoon Senior, 25 and 26 have outboard wells. Were these boats originally equiped with some kind of plug to place in the well and fair off the hole when the boat was sailed with the motor removed?