How do I join this group?

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Della Mauk

How do I join this group?

Post by Della Mauk »

I have waited long enough! I waited to join because there was to be a Carolina's group formed. What are the membership due's and regulations?
John Johson

Re: How do I join this group? it's simple

Post by John Johson »


Re: How do I join this group? it's simple

Post by »

John Johson wrote: YOU HAVE TO BUY A CAPE DORY :-)

She already owns two !!! (at least until I buy her CD30)

Re: How do I join this group? it's simple

Post by Tom » wrote:
John Johson wrote: YOU HAVE TO BUY A CAPE DORY :-)

She already owns two !!! (at least until I buy her CD30)
Then by the power invested in me (which is none) you are hereby a member of this group will all rights and privileges. Welcome to the group, Della.
John Johnson

Re: How do I join this group? it's simple

Post by John Johnson »

Now lets not be greedy :-)
John Sill

Re: How do I join this group?

Post by John Sill »

I sure hope you haven't given up on the CDSOA! We will have a fleet forming in Carolina by next spring. Please be a member!

Re: I Second the Motion!

Post by Jon »

Carrying half the authority of Tom, and none of the good taste, I do welcome you aboard!

Jon :)
Catherine Monaghan

Don't need a boat to join!

Post by Catherine Monaghan »

To participate on the CCDOA Message Board all you need is a computer with an internet connection. You don't even have to own a boat, you need only have an interest in Cape Dory yachts -- and it doesn't cost anything (other than your monthly ISP and/or phone bills) to visit this website.

Membership is the CCDOA is free. See the <a href="">CCDOA's home page</a> for membership info.

The CDSOA Inc. is open to all Cape Dory boat owners (power and sail), past owners and Cape Dory owner wannabees. To join, visit the <a href="">CDSOA's website</a> to download the membership application. It's a PDF file, so you'll need to print it and complete it by hand then mail it with your check for $40 to the organization's secretary.
CCDOA Assistant Webmaster
NE Fleet Secretary, CDSOA Inc.
CD32 Realization, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay

John Johson wrote: YOU HAVE TO BUY A CAPE DORY :-)
Catherine Monaghan

Don't need a boat to join!

Post by Catherine Monaghan »

To participate on the CCDOA Message Board all you need is a computer with an internet connection. You don't even have to own a boat, you need only have an interest in Cape Dory yachts -- and it doesn't cost anything (other than your monthly ISP and/or phone bills) to visit this website.

Membership is the CCDOA is free. See the <a href="">CCDOA's home page</a> for membership info.

The CDSOA Inc. is open to all Cape Dory boat owners (power and sail), past owners and Cape Dory owner wannabees. To join, visit the <a href="">CDSOA's website</a> to download the membership application. It's a PDF file, so you'll need to print it and complete it by hand then mail it with your check for $40 to the organization's secretary.
CCDOA Assistant Webmaster
NE Fleet Secretary, CDSOA Inc.
CD32 Realization, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay

John Johson wrote: YOU HAVE TO BUY A CAPE DORY :-)
Leo MacDonald

CDSOA/Carolina Fleet - Joining

Post by Leo MacDonald »

The CDSOA plans a 'Carolina Fleet Organizational meeting' around the weekends of 13 Jan. or 20 Jan. 2001 most likely in the Oriental, NC area. (More info to follow as this is firmed up.)

We are extending an invitation to all CD'ers who would like to join or would like information about the CDSOA and/or the 'Carolina Fleet'.

CD'ers that would like to be informed on the exact meeting date please e-mail Joe V.,, Cathy M.,, or me,

The CDSOA Regular Membership is open to all CD sailboat owners. The CDSOA Associate Membership is open to all CD powerboat owners, past CD owners and future CD owners (wannabees.)

Fair Winds,
Leo MacDonald, 'Heather Ann', CD30K
NE Fleet Captain, CDSOA, <> 860-859-9600 (h), 860-447-1791 x3605 (w)
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