This is how you properly tow a dinghy. I was taught this by my grandfather who was all about that last .1 knot. I was the kid constantly adjusting the dinghy painter to keep it surfing. I still see the vast majority of boats towing their dinghy UP the stern wave.Steve Laume wrote: When towing I can hold the painter in one hand so it is not creating that much resistance. Once the big boat is on a steady course I will pay out line, snubbed around a cleat, until the dink is surfing down the front of the second stern wave.
Two summers ago I used my digital load cell to measure the drag differences. IIRC there was about an 80%+ reduction in drag by properly adjusting the painter length so the dinghy was surfing vs. being towed UP HILL...... The funny thing is that I see tons of boaters who've spend thousands on fancy props only to be towing the dinghy UP HILL..... Kind of defeats the purpose of the $3000.00 prop.....