Windlass Installation

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Peter Cryans
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Windlass Installation

Post by Peter Cryans »

Hello all!!
The time has come where I am no longer able or should I say want to retrieve my 45 lb CQR with 35' of 3/8" chain by brute strength. I have a CD 36 "FALLEN" with an extended bow sprit. I have met several of you while coastal cruising and seen a few windlass installations. I would appreciate any feedback from anyone who has installed a windlass on their boat. Is there a particular model that is better than others with the extended bowsprit? Thank you very much in advance!

Peter Cryans
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Post by Klem »

This is not the response that you are asking for but would a rethink of your ground tackle be an alternative? A 35lb new generation anchor (Manson Supreme, Spade, Rocna) would have at least as much holding power and would set and stay set better. Switching from 3/8" to 5/16" G40 chain would keep the same chain strength but significantly lower the weight. I suspect that making these 2 changes would be cheaper than installing a windlass.

I am not trying to talk you out of a windlass, only presenting another alternative. I consider the ground tackle that I have to be about as heavy as is reasonable without a windlass and there will certainly come a day when even it is too heavy for me.
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Steve Laume
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Post by Steve Laume »

I seem to remember someone compiling photos of windlass installations on the CD-36. A search may turn it up or someone else might have a better memory than I do. I seem to recall a number of different models being shown.

On Raven I am still planning on at least a few more years of hauling a 35# CQR with the 90' of 5/16" chain. Makes you strong like bull, Steve.
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John Danicic
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Photos out there?

Post by John Danicic »


Here is a link to the CD36 windlass installation photo page I set up.
CD36Windlass Photos

As you can see, there are lots of ways you can approach it.

When you get yours done, feel free to send me a photo and I will include it on the page.

Installing a windlass is one of the best updates I have done to Mariah.
To help you on your way, here is a link to an article I wrote for Good Old Boat Magazine a few years ago about, Installing a Windlass

Good luck with this project.
Sail on

John Danicic

CD36 - Mariah- #124
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Peter Cryans
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Windlass Installation

Post by Peter Cryans »

Hi John,
Thank you so much for documenting and sharing your Windlass Installation information with me. I really appreciate your help. I will start reading tonight and hopefully before next May I will be sending you pictures!!
Thanks again, Peter
John M
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Windless CD30

Post by John M »

I read the 36 instillation with interest. does anyone have similar info on a 30?
John M.
Peter Cryans
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Windlass Installation

Post by Peter Cryans »

Hi John,
I read your article last night and reviewed all the pictures. The windlass you installed on your boat is exactly what I am looking for. Low profile and unobtrusive. Can you share with me what the make and model is of your windlass? Where would you suggest buying this?
Thanks, Peter
Ken Cave
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Maxwell 500

Post by Ken Cave »

I have a CD 28 with a Maxwell 500 installed, plus 300 feet of chain
hooked onto a large Bruce. This might be an overkill, but I can sleep comfortably at night.

The unit itself is not to pricy, but you need to factor in the wiring, the controls, and the price for the instillation if you do not do it yourself.

I have a hand-held control that I plug into a socket on the bow when needed. Do not use the foot pedals as they will eventually leak.
Also, if the system turned on one can be in a lot of trouble if you get hung up in the chain.

There is also another switch mounted in the cockpit, and the master switch is hidden from view under the seat.

You should also install a chain lock as you do not want to put
pressure on the windless when anchoring. It also works well
when you are pulling up the anchor. Bring up the chain to an
almost vertical position, then use the chain lock to secure it.
Power the boat forward, and it will free the anchor from the mud, etc.

Hope this helps

Ken Cave
CD 28 Dragon Tale
LaConner, WA
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John Danicic
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Maxwell Freedom 800

Post by John Danicic »


The one I used is a Maxwell Freedom 800 which is no longer made. It was replaced by the Maxwell RC10-8, A much better product. A friend of mine got one and is very happy with it.

The 800, (800watts) has plenty of power, it just has a problem with chain to rope splices wearing out a replaceable pressure arm too quickly. I switched to mostly chain, 124 feet of 5/16 G4 so I rarely run that splice through the windlass anymore. I must admit that I now abuse it, pulling the boat up to the anchor without the engine helping even in strong winds. It seems to take it all in stride.

A Maxwell RC10-8, RC8-8 or the Lewmar V2 would give you a good, low profile look and plenty of power for your CD36. I would get it from your local chandlery, Defender Marine or West Marine. Shop around.

As I pointed out in the article, there are a lot of choices to be made in addition to the choice of windlass.

A fun, satisfying project all in all. Good luck.
Sail on

John Danicic

CD36 - Mariah- #124
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Ideal Windlass

Post by Evergreen »

We mounted a horizontal Ideal windlass directly behind the staysail boom pedestal (under the boom) on our CD36. It handles chain on the port side and both chain and line on the starboard side. I believe it is the second size up in their horizontal line.

The windlass installation has turned out to be one of the top four best improvements that we have ever done to Evergreen!!! We appreciate it on a daily basis!!!

I could provide photos and specifics upon request.
Philip & Sharon (Where is Evergreen?) (Link to older blogs)
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Steve Laume
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Post by Steve Laume »

So what were the top three?
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Top four improvements to Evergreen

Post by Evergreen »

Washdown pump; Ideal Windlass; Harken Headsail Furler; Monitor Windvane. The Rocna anchor would be on there also but it is not actually part of the boat.
Philip & Sharon (Where is Evergreen?) (Link to older blogs)
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