Johnd, you pretty much answered your own question.Why never jibe?
It's because the main is still up, and not sheeted in all the way. Taking the main down wastes time. And trying to actually perform a jibe would mean lots of taking one's eyes off the MOB (if he/she were still in sight), and in general is a maneuver which requires thought and effort from a stressed and distracted person. Plus, I do not think that Marvo has ever jibed the boat by herself; this is not a great moment to decide to work on that.
What I am trying to prevent here is an accidental jibe. I want to just drill, drill, drill it into our heads that all turns have to be made bow-thru-the-wind. This would probably be intuitive for me, but not necessarily for Marvo, or for others who might be on board. Use Figure 8s as necessary ("Chicken Jibes"). Mainly, start the engine and drive that rascal like a car. Except...
I think that the risk of an accidental jibe is the next worst thing to having one crew overboard. One could easily perform a self-lobotomy in the heat of the moment. Which might not contribute positively to the resolution of the situation. :-)