Running with the Genny

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Running with the Genny

Post by steve »

I'm hoping I might get some advise regarding running wing 'n wing with a 155% genny-- without a whisker pole ('78 CD25)... block placement? -lightest air advisable? -anything would help-
p.s. -this board is great!


Re: Running with the Genny

Post by sloopjohnl »

without a whisker pole it is a little more labor intensive. run your sheet through the genoa leads unless you have blocks set up for flying a spinnaker in which case use those, take one wrap around the genoa winch and play the sail by hand. a whisker pole with an attachment point on the forward side of the mast wouldn't set you back too awful much.

steve wrote: I'm hoping I might get some advise regarding running wing 'n wing with a 155% genny-- without a whisker pole ('78 CD25)... block placement? -lightest air advisable? -anything would help-
p.s. -this board is great!

Don Carr

Re: Running with the Genny

Post by Don Carr »

In light air I would highly suggest you get a reasonably priced whisker pole. Not to show prefernece over one vendor over another but Forespar has an adjustable pole which I like because of various wind/sail combinations. You will drive yourself nuts trying to keep the 155 filled in light winds, plus the continual luff/fill cycle will not help the sail life. A whisker pole really does increase your boat speed downwind in light air. IMHO.

Fair Winds.
Don Carr
s/v Camanae
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