Deck Pipes

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Deck Pipes

Post by Jon »


I've seen several CD-25s with deck pipes for the anchor rode way up forward. I'm not fond of the idea of carrying weight in the ends, but I would like a more manageable anchoring system on my 25. Do the rodes/chains tangle up inside that space? Do they get stuck? Where does the drainage go? Are deck pipes really practical and useful? Any experiences with deck pipes on 25s or other CDs would be much appreciated.

Much Thanx,
Neil Gordon

Re: Deck Pipes

Post by Neil Gordon »

>>Do the rodes/chains tangle up inside that space?<<

On my 28, the rode comes out the same way it went in... no problems at all with 250 feet of rode and 30 feet of chain. If there is a snarl though, there's access through the v-berth to the locker.

>>Where does the drainage go?<<

Goes from the bottom of the locker into the bilge.

>>Are deck pipes really practical and useful?<<

Works for me. It puts the rode up front where it belongs. Much easier than fishing it out of a cockpit locker.

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167

Re: Deck Pipes

Post by Dana »

No tangling. I do use two rubber mats on each side of the hull for chaft protection. Everything into the bilge. I have a vented door for access into the forepeak which allows drying. Can not imagine working without the setup.

John M

Re: Deck Pipes

Post by John M »

Ditto to what Neil and Dana said. We have been using a deck pipe fitting on our boats for over 20 years, not a bit of trouble. Let me add two thoughts:

- When you pull anchor up, flake the rode on the fore deck and let it air dry for 30 min before you stow it below. This should help with moisture and mildew in the forepeck.

- We have a 1/2" x 6" round plexiglas disc in the anchor well. Led through the center of the disc is the end of a 15' pendant, stopped with a figure 8 knot. The bitter end of the anchor rode is attached to the other end of the pendant with a sheet bend. This alows easy access to the bitter end of the anchor rode to remove it for maintance, to end-for-end the rode, it prevents the loss of the anchor rode overboard, etc.

Hope this helps. John
Jon wrote: Hi,

I've seen several CD-25s with deck pipes for the anchor rode way up forward. I'm not fond of the idea of carrying weight in the ends, but I would like a more manageable anchoring system on my 25. Do the rodes/chains tangle up inside that space? Do they get stuck? Where does the drainage go? Are deck pipes really practical and useful? Any experiences with deck pipes on 25s or other CDs would be much appreciated.

Much Thanx,
Bill Goldsmith

Re: Deck Pipes

Post by Bill Goldsmith »


If you do install a deck pipe, please be sure to epoxy the exposed balsa core around the oval hole to avoid entry of water into the deck. IF you're really serious you could excavate enough balsa and fill with thickened epoxy so that the screws go into epoxy and not core.

Jon wrote: Hi,

I've seen several CD-25s with deck pipes for the anchor rode way up forward. I'm not fond of the idea of carrying weight in the ends, but I would like a more manageable anchoring system on my 25. Do the rodes/chains tangle up inside that space? Do they get stuck? Where does the drainage go? Are deck pipes really practical and useful? Any experiences with deck pipes on 25s or other CDs would be much appreciated.

Much Thanx,
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