CD 25 Jib (new question)

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Ryan Puckett

CD 25 Jib (new question)

Post by Ryan Puckett »

Everyone here is so helpful. About my previous post "CD 25 Jib trim question":
WOW! I don't have any eyelet (fairlead) on the deck for my 100% jib sheet. I only have genny cars. What should I do? Running sheets through the genny cars causes the leech and foot to flutter at almost ALL points of sail. This is disheartening. How would I determine the correct angle at which to munt such hardware? There are no holes where once existed such hardware. I am not looking forward to "winging" this one.
Ed Haley

Re: CD 25 Jib (new question)

Post by Ed Haley »

I'm surprised there is no eyebolt on the port side of the cabintop, just ahead of or astride the mast. I can't see the reason for removing the eyebolt since it is a handy attachment point for a lot of things. I'm puzzled.

Re: CD 25 Jib (new question)

Post by Jon »


The jib eyes on my boat are in the middle of the deck, three quarters of the way up the elongated window.

Mike Wainfeld

Re: CD 25 Jib (new question)

Post by Mike Wainfeld »

Have you tried tightening the leech line on the sail? Not too much-you don't want the leech "cupped".

CD Typhoon "Regalo"
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