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Corect me if I am wrong

Post by Mike »


Unless I'm mistaken and please correct me I am but as an Associate Member I don't have the right to make, second or vote on any issue.
That only leaves this forum.
Mike and Merrie
s/v Adagio
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Cathy Monaghan
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Re: Contact CDSOA officers....

Post by Cathy Monaghan »

Cathy Monaghan wrote:Hey guys,

If you really want your comments, opinions, suggestions, or complaints on the subject to fall on the right ears, contact the CDSOA officers. Their contact info is located at the bottom of the "Contact Us" page.

Webmaster--CDSOA, Inc. [...and no, I am not a CDSOA officer]
CD32 Realization, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay
PS: Send your comments directly to CDSOA officers via PM or email. I recommend email. Folks seldom look at their PMs. Don't forget to remove "*NOSPAM*" from all email addresses before clicking on Send.

Last edited by Cathy Monaghan on Aug 6th, '10, 12:12, edited 1 time in total.
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An update...

Post by Mike »

Earlier in this thread I mentioned that I had taken Cathys suggestion and Emailed each of the national officers.

Our Rear Commodore, Steve Kuhar has since responded favorably and promised to being the matter up at the November board meeting.
Hopefully when the rest of our National Officers return from cruising they will also respond.

In the meantime I would urge everyone to Email our National Officers
and tell them where you stand on this issue.
Mike and Merrie
s/v Adagio
Oswego John
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Motion To Change Membership Status

Post by Oswego John »

Mike et al,

I have formally made the following motion and have e-mailed it to the officers of the CDSOA.


To all CDSOA officers and members,

I am not certain if this is proper protocol and procedure or not. As a member in good standing, I would like to make the following motion:

I hereby make the motion that any former CD owner that is still a dues paying member, as long as he maintains membership, shall remain a member in full standing regardless of the fact that he doesn't own a CD at the present time.

This motion will include any Cape Dory owner, past or present, power or sail propulsion, who is presently a CDSOA member in good standing.

This motion is still open for discussion on this E-floor and if it is deemed to be improved, I will gladly accept an amendment(s), or if necessary, will withdraw my motion.

I so move.
John Dunn
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Carl Thunberg
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I have to agree with Bob Ohler on this one.

Post by Carl Thunberg »

This is not the forum for matters of CDSOA governance. There are something like 3,200 registered users of this Board, not to mention our friends who visit this Board through Google or other search engines. Less than 10% of the registered users are CDSOA members. If you include visitors, I'd estimate that number to be about 1%.

I'm all for grass roots member input, but not here. I applaud Cathy's efforts to steer this dialogue where it belongs.
CDSOA Commodore - Member No. 725

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Yes but...

Post by Mike »


In one respect I agree with what both you and Bob have said. As such I have taken Cathys suggestion and urged others to do so.

However, as a dues paying member I resent your attempt to take away this forum, the only one available to an Associate Member, simply because everyone that has access is not a dues paying member. It would seem that, pardon the cliche, you have the cart before the horse. Or even to make to worse, "if you don't like the laundry restrict access to the clothes line."

(My apologies to the truly gifted punsters/wordsmiths).
Mike and Merrie
s/v Adagio
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Joe CD MS 300
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Post by Joe CD MS 300 »

If there were a separate board for member business that only members could log on to, I would agree with Cathy and Carl that this issue might be better discussed there but there is not. This board is the only way the paying members can hear and discuss the issue with each other. PMing or emailing the board doesn't provide any member (other than the board member) information on how other members feel and their reasons. I am interested in hearing how other members feel about the issue. What is the percentage of CD power boats to sailboats manufactured? I can't imagine there would be any ill efect.

It's not like we are discussing classified information.
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Well said

Post by mike ritenour »

I agree with Joe and Mike and all other CDSOA members who have requested the ability to engage the flag officers in matters pertaining to the CDSOA on this board.

However the issue of free and open dialogue between members is even more important.

This board is the lifeblood of our organization; it dwarfs the "Masthead" in importance and is the most valuable asset the CDSOA has.

To ignore the open board exchange of ideas regarding OUR organization is wrong. How else can a member fathom what other members are thinking? There is no other forum for this to take place.

Other than financial information, what possible discussion could members have that would reveal "classified information"? And how would this open communication harm the CDSOA, even if non-members read it? It would seem to me that such a method of exchange would be an organizational model for non-members to aspire to belong to.

This is America and free and open forums are essential to any successful organization. Our current form of closed loop communication with our flag officers is not a reasonable way to keep in touch and truly represent the membership.

That's my two cents.

And by the way, OJ, I support your motion.

Dick Barthel
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Post by Dick Barthel »

This is the only realistic forum to let our current national organization leaders know how we feel about this issue and to get a sense of how others feel at the same time. There seems to be no reason why this subject needs to be private.

I have long felt that once a member always a member. Carl did a great job as fleet captain despite having a brand X on his mind. This is about friendships formed as much as the boats.

Are there that many CD power boats whose captains want to join us? What harm could come from letting a CD power owner in with full privileges?

I would concede a possible distinction for national office but at the fleet level its about local activities and the fleet members do vote for the fleet officers. If in the future the NE Fleet wants Carl as an officer and he is willing to serve, why shouldn't the local fleet be able to make that decision?

Why not a referendum of all members? But in the mean time I would vote to pass OJ's motion if I could.

Above all we shouldn't let an issue like this be divisive. To free wheel or not - yes, but not this issue. As someone commented this is a social organization.


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Joe Myerson
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Just sent e-mail to board members

Post by Joe Myerson »

Hi all,

I just got back on the Net, after having been sailing (to and from the Northeast Fleet Rendezvous) for a week.

Following Cathy's and Mitch's suggestions, I've sent private e-mails to all the CDSOA board members.

If I've stirred up a hornet's nest, or broken protocol, I'm sorry. That was not my intention.

Fair winds and best to all,

Former Commodore, CDSOA
Former Captain, Northeast Fleet
S/V Crème Brûlée, CD 25D, Hull # 80

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Re: Just sent e-mail to board members

Post by M. R. Bober »

Joe Myerson wrote:Hi all,

I just got back on the Net, after having been sailing (to and from the Northeast Fleet Rendezvous) for a week.

Following Cathy's and Mitch's suggestions, I've sent private e-mails to all the CDSOA board members.

If I've stirred up a hornet's nest, or broken protocol, I'm sorry. That was not my intention.

Fair winds and best to all,

I am not aware of any suggestion that I offered on this matter. I related some CDSOA history, and my opinion on the status of memberships.

Mitchell Bober
Sunny Lancaster (where good advice costs nothing and is frequently a good value, but not always), VA
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Joe Myerson
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Wrong Chesapeake Bay member, perhaps

Post by Joe Myerson »

Sorry Mitch,

Perhaps it was somebody else from the Chesapeake Fleet. Anyway, your historical observations are always appreciated.

Former Commodore, CDSOA
Former Captain, Northeast Fleet
S/V Crème Brûlée, CD 25D, Hull # 80

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membership voting

Post by Bob L »

Correct me if I'm wrong, but paid members (apparently only those who own a cape dory) can vote. But as I understand it, you can vote ONLY if you attend the meeting where the voting takes place. What is the rationale for this? I understand that there may be some issues that need to have a fast resolution, but for the most part, couldn't full paid members vote, say on-line (like those who download the newsletter from a secure webpage?) -- or by mail?

Sorry if I got a bit off topic.....

Bob L
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Re: membership voting

Post by M. R. Bober »

Bob L wrote:Correct me if I'm wrong, but paid members (apparently only those who own a cape dory) can vote. But as I understand it, you can vote ONLY if you attend the meeting where the voting takes place. What is the rationale for this? I understand that there may be some issues that need to have a fast resolution, but for the most part, couldn't full paid members vote, say on-line (like those who download the newsletter from a secure webpage?) -- or by mail?

Sorry if I got a bit off topic.....

Bob L
Exactly. Didn't anyone read the new by-laws, that so many--of you--voted in favor of, so recently?

It is hard to fathom our current leadership's resistance to modernizing the Association. Who in the world will travel over 1,000 miles to attend to the business of CDSOA?

Mitchell Bober
Sunny Lancaster (where if you try to hold back the hands of time, your arms will be ripped out of their sockets), VA
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Just my opinion...

Post by Cathy Monaghan »

That's exactly how we voted for the by-laws changes -- by mail. Though that's not how other voting has taken place in the past, mainly voting for new officers (Board members), which has been by a show of hands either at the annual meeting or at fleet meetings for fleet officers.

But the CDSOA Board members still need to be made aware of what concerns the membership, and email (or phone calls) is probably the best way to do that but the message board continues to be the best route for discussion by members and potential members. A Senator woudn't tell the citizens of America that they shouldn't be discussing the issues that are facing this country and are being discussed in the Senate chambers; and we shouldn't tell our members that they shouldn't discuss the issues that effect our organization or that the CDSOA Board will be bringing to their own table. The more folks opine, the better everyone, including the CDSOA Board, will know what the majority is thinking whether they agree or not. And it's okay to disagree.

So if you have an issue to bring before the CDSOA Board, send them each an email stating your concerns, suggestions, whatever. That doesn't mean you can't discuss it with anyone else. Just present your views respectfully and people will listen.

...and that's my opinion, not those of the CDSOA.
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