FM/VHF antenna

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Chris Cram

FM/VHF antenna

Post by Chris Cram »

I was considering using an am/fm -vhf signal separator to utilize my vhf antenna for use on my am/fm stereo. Has anyone done this?. Does it (as the manufacturer states) 1. effectively separate the two signals and 2. not harm the vhf, either transmitting or (performance)receiving?

Thanks Chris
D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: FM/VHF antenna..yep, I did that!

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »


I installed a Shakespear vhf/fm signal splitter on Hanalei last year, and it works just fine. Haven't noticed any change in transmit or recieve range on the VHF and FM reception is just great!

When I installed it, I did have to extend the lead that goes to the VHF as it wasn't long enough to reach from the aft cabin locker(right over the sink) to the VHF. I didn't want the splitter box visible on the bulkhead! This necessitated taking the splitter apart and replacing the lead with a longer one, but if you are handy, it's not hard to do.

Anyhow, it works well, and you will no longer have to have two antennas.

Dave Stump
Hanalei, CD-30
Lee H. Hodsdon

Re: FM/VHF antenna

Post by Lee H. Hodsdon »


I installed a unit on LOKI, a 25D, last summer. It works fine and now I can receive WERU (the best damn radio station on the Maine coast) much sooner and clearer. The old antenna was tucked above the port storage area, on its side.

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