Leaking scupper thru hull - what sealant?

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s calder
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Leaking scupper thru hull - what sealant?

Post by s calder »

Upon launch a week ago I discovered that one of my cockpit scupper thru hulls is leaking and that the sealant between the hull and the thru hull failed (the thru hull has rotated slightly). The leak is manageable in the short term but I'm going to have to haul the boat next week to fix it. I don't want to be out of the water too long waiting on sealant to cure....what should I use that will cure quicker than 5200 and still remain flexible yet "permanent"?
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Post by Russell »

I would use the fast cure version of 5200. As long as it has an hour or two to set, it is fine to splash the boat before full cure. Its most important that the surface is fully dry before bedding, so if you are doing a round trip in a single day this might be difficult, but if you are removing the entire thruhull to clean up properly and remove old bedding then drying it properly should not be an issue. I have used fast cure 5200 though as short as 2 hours before splashing though, its fine.
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David van den Burgh
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Re: Leaking scupper thru hull - what sealant?

Post by David van den Burgh »

s calder wrote:what should I use that will cure quicker than 5200 and still remain flexible yet "permanent"?
Fast Cure 4200

http://solutions.3m.com/wps/portal/3M/e ... JKGBQD2Mbl
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