Strom Jib Size

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Strom Jib Size

Post by Bill »

Happy Thanksgiving to all

I know that there are all sorts of varibles that go into the selection of a sail, but generally speaking, how many sq ft should be in a strom jib?????


S/V Rhapsody
CD 25D #148
Dana Arenius

Re: Strom Jib Size

Post by Dana Arenius »

Bill wrote: Happy Thanksgiving to all

I know that there are all sorts of varibles that go into the selection of a sail, but generally speaking, how many sq ft should be in a strom jib?????


S/V Rhapsody


I believe the storm jib is designed to work with a heavily reefed main. Each reefing point reduces the main size by a traditional percentage. With a double reefed main, my former boat's jib reduced from about 93 square feet to only 37 square feet. That's about 40% of the working jib. If this is true, your CD25D would have about a 60 square foot storm jib.

Jon Larson

Re: Strom Jib Size

Post by Jon Larson »

Thanks for the holiday well wishes, Bill, I hope your holiday was great.

My recomendation would be for you to take your Cape Dory manual with the sail outlines and go see a competent sailmaker and get his advice and counsel. On my cutter, sail area is really very flexible so never really have felt the need for a real storm sail, at least for the kind of coastal sailing that I've done. My latest roller furler also reefs, I know it's a lousy sail shape, but it may still serve me if things really, really get tough. I don't have a lot of pretensions about beating to windward in a hurricane, I would want just enough sail to keep the boat comfortable and manageable. Ask the man who really knows!

Jon Larson
Cape Dory 30 PERI
San Francisco Bay
Bill wrote: Happy Thanksgiving to all

I know that there are all sorts of varibles that go into the selection of a sail, but generally speaking, how many sq ft should be in a strom jib?????


S/V Rhapsody
CD 25D #148
Olli Wendelin

Re: Storm Jib Size

Post by Olli Wendelin »


My 1977 CD30 ketch came with a storm jib as part of it's origional suit of sails. It matches the one shown in my 78 Cape Dory handbook at 52 sq ft. This works out to be 12 % of the total sail area, 25 % of the fore triangle, and 35 % the working jib. My 147 sq ft working jib reefs to 96 sq ft. The next step is the 52 sq ft storm jib. Based on a CD25 sail area of 264 sq ft, the storm jib would be about 31 sq ft.

Your local sailmaker should be able to give you a better idea. I dropped in to a local sailmaker to talk about my boat's sails. He pulled up a CD30 ketch on his computer with the cuts for every sail I could imagine. His database looked like it covered every production boat made.

Olli Wendelin
Cape Dory 30
Charleston, SC
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