
Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Chip Kennedy


Post by Chip Kennedy »

I have been working on replacing my head system, and found an informative page on marine sanitation that helped me out. The link is below:


David Wade

Re: HEADaches

Post by David Wade »

Chip Kennedy wrote: I have been working on replacing my head system, and found an informative page on marine sanitation that helped me out. The link is below:

After struggling for a few years with odorous sanitation hoses, flexible holding tanks, winterizing, and worrying about bronze seacocks, we replaced the head on our CD28 with the simple kind that has the seat mounted above a built in holding tank. We put in a deck pump out port, and cabin side air vent. We use a foot-pump outfitted hook-up to our freshwater tank to flush (the freshwater system is not connected physically to the head in our setup, so there is no sanitation worry). There is also no way to sink the boat by not closing the thru-hull on the head! I am not willing to trust the seal on the raw water input of the typical head. The freshwater tank is used for showers and the head now. We always have used bottled water jugs for drinking anyway. After the first year, we have been very happy with this set-up. It is illegal to pump overboard anywhere we sail anyway, and now we have eliminated two thru-hulls and there is no more odor. Winterizing is incredibly easy as well.

We are considering using the two closed off through-hulls, and the former holding tank space to pu in a small dock-side air conditioner.

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