what are the major differences between the cd27 and 28

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russell dunn

what are the major differences between the cd27 and 28

Post by russell dunn »

other than the obvious, what are the main differences between the 27 and the 28. also, are wheel conversions realistic. i'm considering either model for se fla coastal cruising.

Bill Goldsmith

Re: what are the major differences between the cd27 and 28

Post by Bill Goldsmith »


Here are some differences that come to mind:

27 has only one hatch (in the v-berth), 28 has two, one in v-berth and one aft of the mast in the main cabin.

27 has two fixed settees in the main cabin, 28 has one fixed and one that pulls out into a double.

27 did not have self-tacking jib boom. Many 28s have the jib boom although many owners have removed it.

28 has a sink in the head--27s generally have only one sink--in the galley.

28 displaces 1500 pounds more than the 27.

27 has a lazarette aft of the cockpit (very nice size); 28 does not.

28 has a bit more headroom than the 27. I am 6'0" and I can stand in my 27 with my head cocked a bit; I can stand in my friend's 28 without doing so.

Wheel conversion is quite doable--the various wheel manufacturers (Edson, Whitlock) have parts lists, layouts for these boats. DIY may be a pain if you're not a contortionist, however. Editorial opinion: Keep the Tiller!!!

Check out the specs and the drawings on this website. My opinion is that the 27 is a prettier, more balanced design (I am indeed biased), while the 28 provides a bit more livability due to more elbow room down below. Note that by eliminating the 27's aft lazarette, pushing the cockpit back, and adding a foot overall, the 28 has a good bit more room down below. Of course, these are personal opinions.

Good Luck!!

Bill Goldsmith
Cd27 Second Chance

other than the obvious, what are the main differences between the 27 and the 28. also, are wheel conversions realistic. i'm considering either model for se fla coastal cruising.


Re: what are the major differences between the cd27 and 28

Post by Dana »

other than the obvious, what are the main differences between the 27 and the 28. also, are wheel conversions realistic. i'm considering either model for se fla coastal cruising.

The real difference is displacement. The CD28 has a lot more "underbody". If you were to see them side by side out of the water you will notice that the CD28 has very little stern overhang. Every thing went into it to make it a more roomier cruiser. More items are built-in...such as the difference between the pull out sink on the CD27 and the built-in.


chuck yahrling

Re: what are the major differences between the cd27 and 28

Post by chuck yahrling »

other than the obvious, what are the main differences between the 27 and the 28. also, are wheel conversions realistic. i'm considering either model for se fla coastal cruising.
I don't disagree with any of the posted info, but wish to make a fine point: the CD-28 was designed and produced by Cape Dory before Andy asked Carl Alberg to design the CD-27. The general concensus (owners and ex-Cape Dory staff) at the Robinhood gathering was that the '27 is a somewhat faster, snappier boat to sail.

I would not convert either, as either tiller pilot or wind vane autopilots are much easier to fit and maintain on a tillered boat. I would (and am) making a folding tiller for my CD-27; mostly to ease moving about the cockpit during normal sailing, when I am singlehanded and use the tiller pilot almost exclusively. I think a wheel would be unacceptably in the way (for me) a CD-27.

Neil Gordon

Re: what are the major differences between the cd27 and 28

Post by Neil Gordon »


>>... what are the main differences between the 27 and the 28.<<

I looked at both the 27 and 28 before buying LIQUIDITY. Most significantly, the 28, as pointed out, offers significantly more interior living space.

>>... are wheel conversions realistic.<<

Realistic, yes. But why? I'd sail with the tiller for a season, then decide.

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167

John Martin

Re: what are the major differences between the cd27 and 28

Post by John Martin »

other than the obvious, what are the main differences between the 27 and the 28. also, are wheel conversions realistic. i'm considering either model for se fla coastal cruising.
A friend of mine has a CD28 (1978?) with a wheel, he likes the wheel, I prefer my tiller. Also, on my CD28 (1983), I removed the head sink (starboard side), pump, plumbing, etc and replaced it with a chart table with 2 drawers (6"x12"x24").
John & Nancy Martin
CD28 #346 "Intrepid"

Tom Young

Re: what are the major differences between the cd27 and 28

Post by Tom Young »

other than the obvious, what are the main differences between the 27 and the 28. also, are wheel conversions realistic. i'm considering either model for se fla coastal cruising.
I have had a 28 for 12 years. A friend recently got a 27, heres what I noticed. I think the 27 may be a better looking boat. It has nice deck spaces, cockpit fine and below is a nice layout. There is a substantial difference in space above and below deck. It feels much smaller to me but I would have been happy with the boat. It's amazing how much more volume the 28 has.
I have spent some time aboard the CD 30's and I think the difference between the 28 and the 27 is more substantial than the difference between the 28 and the 30. The 28 always looked like a 30 with 2 feet chopped off, the 27 was designed for 27 feet.
I was amazed to see the 27 keep the same pace off the wind with 20kt winds, I thought for sure I would catch it. It pleased my friend to see I could not, however, into that same wind,my 28 sailed perceptively higher into the wind and waves, as we appeared to head out at the same speed, the 27, fell downwind. I suspect it was wind and wave conditions but for the most part the boats would be very similar in performance.

Sue + Noel

Re:Consensus at Robinhood?

Post by Sue + Noel »


The general concensus (owners and ex-Cape Dory staff) at the Robinhood gathering was that the '27 is a somewhat faster, snappier boat to sail.

Hey! Don't be dissin' our 28's performance at Robinhood! We sailed our CD28 in the famed Robinhood race last summer. I believe we were the only 28, and the 27 we were in feverish competition with was the only 27. (Captained by Mr. Perry, premier Rhood salesperson, I presume?) He also, singlehandedly and using no lines, gracefully backed his beautiful boat into a slip which we all know is not humanly possible with a CD. So we didn't feel bad about losing to him, and took solace in placing fifth overall.

(you know what else? he has a club foot rigged on his 27!)

Pleasant dreams til the southwesterlies return...

Sue & Noel

M. R. Bober

The 27' is more wonderful

Post by M. R. Bober »


I still miss TIA MARI (CD27 1979)
Mitchell Bober

chuck yahrling

Re:Consensus at Robinhood?

Post by chuck yahrling »


The general concensus (owners and ex-Cape Dory staff) at the Robinhood gathering was that the '27 is a somewhat faster, snappier boat to sail.

Hey! Don't be dissin' our 28's performance at Robinhood! We sailed our CD28 in the famed Robinhood race last summer. I believe we were the only 28, and the 27 we were in feverish competition with was the only 27. (Captained by Mr. Perry, premier Rhood salesperson, I presume?) He also, singlehandedly and using no lines, gracefully backed his beautiful boat into a slip which we all know is not humanly possible with a CD. So we didn't feel bad about losing to him, and took solace in placing fifth overall.

(you know what else? he has a club foot rigged on his 27!)

Pleasant dreams til the southwesterlies return...

Sue & Noel
I based my comments on numerous conversations I had with Dave, Andy and others, including another couple there with a '28. "General concensus" doesn't mean everybody, by definition.

As you will recall from Dave's history seminar, Andy comissioned Carl Alberg to come up with a faster boat after marketing the CD-28 for a while. It stands to reason, then, that Carl might have designed the '27 to be a little faster, bowing somewhat to Andy's request.

Maybe Dave was sandbagging it in hopes he could get you into an R-36 someday 8^).

Bob Luby

Re: what are the major differences between the cd27 and 28

Post by Bob Luby »


As the owner of a 25D, I'm curious, What is the length of the longest bunk in the 27 & 28?

Jeff Schmoyer CD 27 in NJ

Re: what are the major differences between the cd27 and 28

Post by Jeff Schmoyer CD 27 in NJ »



My CD 27 came with a factory Edson wheel conversion using a rack and pinion system- like the worm gear on the CD30 it's a small wheel at the back end of the cockpit w/ a little steering box. It works fine.

Pro's: in some senses it frees up cockpit space because there's nothing sweeping- let's you sail the boat while sitting on the lazarette hatch, w/ back against the pushpit stanchions. Also, can lock down the wheel and go down and get a drink if it's not too crouded out on the water.

Con's: lack of manuverability- it's hard to get around the wheel because the cockpit just isn't wide and t-shaped like them new Bene-Hunter-linas (and that's why we're here!). Also, there's not as much feel in the wheel. In this last I have to admit to missing the tiller.

Net net, I like the wheel and have no intention of re-converting back (although this wouldn't be hard to do). However, I'm not so sure I'd spend money on doing a wheel conversion either. It's about even in the end.

Hope this helps,

Neil Gordon

Re: what are the major differences between the cd27 and 28

Post by Neil Gordon »


>>Also, can lock down the wheel ...<<

You can lash the tiller, too, with a high tech invention called a scrap of line.

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167


Re: what are the major differences between the cd27 and 28

Post by Carol »

One obvious difference is the number of ports--the CD27 has three on each side, the CD28 has four, just like the CD30 (but with less space between them). This may be why some find the CD27 more asthetically pleasing, although I have to say I find our CD28 perfectly beautiful. The berths in the main salon of our CD28 have 28/30 written on them, presumably because the berths in each of those is identical in length (sorry, I've never measured them). I would imagine that the CD27 has shorter berths and more cramped quarters in general. Fine if all you do is daysail and race (and prefer the faster sail), but for cruising I'll take my CD28 anyday. My husband and I have spent a month at a time on board without driving each other crazy.

David Wade

Re: what are the major differences between the cd27 and 28

Post by David Wade »

russell dunn wrote: other than the obvious, what are the main differences between the 27 and the 28. also, are wheel conversions realistic. i'm considering either model for se fla coastal cruising.
I have a CD28 that I lived on in SW Florida for awhile, and now sail in the Chesapeake. One difference, that I would not want to give up is the hatch in the main cabin above the bed, and the double-berth that pulls out in the main cabin. The main cabin is an awesome, starlit, breezy, cool room for a couple to sleep in. There is plenty of airspace for an oil lamp to burn, and the stereo is usually located here by most owners. The fore peak is basically a storage room for sails and duffel bags. Try sleeping in the forepeak, and you will wake most mornings to dew dripping off the ceiling about 2 feet above your head, and you have to strech your neck to see the stars through the hatch. (Perhaps the forpeak layout in the CD27 is better than the 28?)

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