This bulletin board, hosted by the CDSOA, Inc., is the on-line meeting place for all Cape Dory owners and groups. We welcome everyone's questions, answers and comments about Cape Dory sailboat
Carter Brey wrote:But Eldridge has all that terrific old-timey stuff-- George Eldridge's advice to mariners in southern New England, his old tidal current map of Martha's Vineyard and the Elizabeth Islands...
Carter, I love that one and it's the first thing I read every year. It's ever fascinating that the flood tide there sets you to the north and the ebb tide ALSO sets you to the north! So if you're not careful, you run aground either way.
Eldrige is my second buy for every sailing season. First is always the proper size zinc, which I try to buy at the end of last year's season. Nothing worse than wanting to launch "tomorrow" and the guy at West Marine telling me that the 1" that I need is on backorder and will be in stock in a week or so.
The current charts in Eldride make it such a great tool and there's lots of local reference stuff. And it is tradition here.
On another point, especially from the Varrazano through the Throgs Neck, monitor channel 13, and talk to the commercial traffic, let them know you're there and your intentions. Don't hesitate to ask a ship or tug what they're up to or if they see you.
I'll check with the Brotherood of Southern Sailors (BOSS) at our next committee meeting to see if Eldridge is on the approved reading list... Took years and years to get Slocum approved but since he was born in Canada and ended his voyage in Newport in lieu of Charleston as the result of a navigational error and Gulf Stream influences.......
I also argued he did not name the river in Dartmouth after himself and that there were several small streams south of the line bearing his first name -and- he was no relation to Henry Warner Slocum.
Which way are you planning on going up the NJ coast, ocean or bay?
I would highly recommend the ocean and not entering through Barnegat inlet or going up the bay. I sailed our CD28 out of Forked River, south to Barnegat inlet, out in the ocean and up to Manasquan inlet, then up through the lower bay and up the Hudson to Stony Point, NY.
I would recommend doing Atlantic City to Manasquan inlet. The bay is no fun, especially with all the recreational traffic and little depth. The Point Pleasant canal is no fun either with many low bridges. That is unless you want to tour Barnegat Bay, in which case go for it!