Search found 67 matches

by ckreitlein
Apr 23rd, '14, 11:11
Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
Topic: CD30 Engine Mount Replacement
Replies: 10
Views: 651

Re: CD30 Engine Mount Replacement

Is your engine fresh water cooled?
by ckreitlein
Apr 13th, '14, 11:18
Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
Topic: MD7A Fresh Water Cooling System Questions
Replies: 1
Views: 197

MD7A Fresh Water Cooling System Questions

I have removed my old MD7A raw water engine due to rust-thru and am about to install an MD7A fresh water cooled engine I got from a kind CDSOA member (thanx Ian!), but am unsure of how the water hoses go and to where. If you have a fresh water cooled MD7A engine and would be willing to tell me how y...
by ckreitlein
Sep 13th, '13, 21:19
Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
Topic: Help requested - Jabsco toilet pump lubricant
Replies: 15
Views: 647

Re: Help requested - Jabsco toilet pump lubricant

Thanks for all the suggestions. I just bought and applied a rubber-safe teflon/graphite grease to the rubber o-ring on the pump shaft... will see how well it works. I went to West Marine and started to buy the head lube, but saw that the primary ingredient was "canola oil" so decided to ju...
by ckreitlein
Sep 11th, '13, 19:10
Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
Topic: Help requested - Jabsco toilet pump lubricant
Replies: 15
Views: 647

Re: Help requested - Jabsco toilet pump lubricant

Thanks for the helpful comments.... I will try the WM head lube....along with the veggie oil.
by ckreitlein
Sep 10th, '13, 21:39
Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
Topic: Help requested - Jabsco toilet pump lubricant
Replies: 15
Views: 647

Help requested - Jabsco toilet pump lubricant

My toilet pump starts squeaking, then eventually screeching and becomes hard to pump. I add some vegetable oil and all that suddenly disappears and the pump works great.... for a couple days, then the squeaking starts again. Does anyone have a recommended toilet pump lubricant better than vegetable ...
by ckreitlein
May 20th, '13, 22:50
Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
Topic: MD7A Fresh Water cooled engine - water flow diagram
Replies: 2
Views: 297

MD7A Fresh Water cooled engine - water flow diagram

I am preparing an MD7A engine w/ heat exchanger for installation in my CD30 to replace the rusted raw water-cooled MD7A currently in the boat. I took all the hoses off the MD7A replacement engine and now am not sure if I have them back on correctly. Does anyone have a schematic of the water flow in ...
by ckreitlein
Nov 13th, '12, 19:55
Forum: Cape Dory Project Descriptions & Project Photos
Topic: MD7A Starter Removal
Replies: 0
Views: 331

MD7A Starter Removal

Here is how to remove the starter on an MD7A on a Cape Dory 30 Cutter. In this configuration, the engine is mounted backwards with the flywheel on the front of the engine facing the stern of the boat. Tools needed: 1/2 drive socket set with up to 19mm or 3/4" socket 19mm open end wrench 17mm op...
by ckreitlein
Jun 28th, '12, 08:58
Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
Topic: Fleet Event UPDATE: Central Gulf Fleet Mid-Summer Tie-Up
Replies: 1
Views: 157

Fleet Event UPDATE: Central Gulf Fleet Mid-Summer Tie-Up

The Central Gulf Fleet is hosting a Mid-Summer Tie-Up on 20-22 July at Barber Marina on the ICW, midway between Mobile and Pensacola. A hosted BBQ will take place on the early evening of 21 July. YOU MAY DRIVE TO THE EVENT if sailing is not convenient. See the events page for all the details or emai...
by ckreitlein
May 2nd, '12, 19:08
Forum: Buy/Sell CD Boats & Gear
Topic: CD 30C 1981 "MISS MARLEY" for sale
Replies: 3
Views: 1435

Re: CD 30C 1981 "MISS MARLEY" for sale

Miss Marley is still for sale. Since posted for sale, she has been to Port St Joe, Fl and Mobile, Al. Please note new price.
by ckreitlein
Apr 6th, '12, 00:00
Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
Topic: Marine head maintenance
Replies: 24
Views: 1696

Re: Marine head maintenance

Lots of good advice here. Upon opening my boat after a day or two, it smells like.... well, you can imagine. I assume clorox bleach is bad ... will kill any good bacteria. But should it not also kill the bad smell. Is there anything in the plumbing that would be damaged by bleach? Would vinegar and ...
by ckreitlein
Mar 14th, '12, 23:41
Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
Topic: Traveler Track Removal, CD 30
Replies: 6
Views: 431

Re: Traveler Track Removal, CD 30

I also replaced the traveler on my CD30. I chose to buy a new arrangement from Garhaur that I am very very happy with. And I got it at a good price. If you do a search at this site you should find photos of my new traveler. I wanted to keep the arch, so I took the whole business , wrapped it up in b...
by ckreitlein
Mar 14th, '12, 09:23
Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
Topic: Blige pump bleeds back
Replies: 7
Views: 872

Re: Blige pump bleeds back

On my CD30, I have an automatic bilge pump and an in-line check valve, followed by a long discharge hose of at least 6 feet with no loop leading to the overboard discharge. The six foot discharge hose holds a lot of water downstream from the pump, but it did not return to the bilge and my pump does ...
by ckreitlein
Mar 11th, '12, 23:38
Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
Topic: Teak Oil Application
Replies: 2
Views: 470

Teak Oil Application

I have sanded my cockpit teak but have not yet decided on a finish - Cetol, varnish, Honey Teak, etc. In the interim, would I make a mistake applying teak oil as a preservative until I decide between options. Help from an old salt would be appreciated....