cape dory 25 vs 22 sailing characteristics?

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cape dory 25 vs 22 sailing characteristics?

Post by craig »

Would I see a big difference between these two? It would be used on inland lake and put on a mooring ball by our house. thanks. craig

Re: cape dory 25 vs 22 sailing characteristics?

Post by Marc »

I can't answer to your request...But i just saw a CD TY Senior (22) to sell in Vermont

Tthe link's is :

craig wrote: Would I see a big difference between these two? It would be used on inland lake and put on a mooring ball by our house. thanks. craig

Re: cape dory 25 vs 22 sailing characteristics?

Post by craig »

Marc wrote: I can't answer to your request...But i just saw a CD TY Senior (22) to sell in Vermont

Tthe link's is :

craig wrote: Would I see a big difference between these two? It would be used on inland lake and put on a mooring ball by our house. thanks. craig
vermont is how far from minnesota? i saw that ad but the transportation of the boat may be more than the boat itself. ha

Re: cape dory 25 vs 22 sailing characteristics?

Post by Marc »

I'm from Canada, you probably know your country better then me, but 2 years ago, i went to New York city and it took 6 hours drive, Burlington is at most 5 hours drive. So maybe you could guest the hour trip. The Ty can be put on a trailer ( i own a similar boat).
I you need a trailer i offert mine free for the trip, is brand new, it's a double axles with brakes flat bed with a cradle on it. I can go deliver the trailer to Burlington, i know the brooker BUT keep in mind that you must return the trailer before the 15 of october BECAUSE i must heel out mine for that day (the rail bridge close on that day, after that i will be in trouble).
Bests regards

A22 #275
Lake Champlain Vermont/New York
craig wrote:
Marc wrote: I can't answer to your request...But i just saw a CD TY Senior (22) to sell in Vermont

Tthe link's is :

craig wrote: Would I see a big difference between these two? It would be used on inland lake and put on a mooring ball by our house. thanks. craig
vermont is how far from minnesota? i saw that ad but the transportation of the boat may be more than the boat itself. ha

Re: cape dory 25 vs 22 sailing characteristics?

Post by craig »

Marc wrote: Craig,
I'm from Canada, you probably know your country better then me, but 2 years ago, i went to New York city and it took 6 hours drive, Burlington is at most 5 hours drive. So maybe you could guest the hour trip. The Ty can be put on a trailer ( i own a similar boat).
I you need a trailer i offert mine free for the trip, is brand new, it's a double axles with brakes flat bed with a cradle on it. I can go deliver the trailer to Burlington, i know the brooker BUT keep in mind that you must return the trailer before the 15 of october BECAUSE i must heel out mine for that day (the rail bridge close on that day, after that i will be in trouble).
Bests regards

A22 #275
Lake Champlain Vermont/New York
craig wrote:
Marc wrote: I can't answer to your request...But i just saw a CD TY Senior (22) to sell in Vermont

Tthe link's is :

vermont is how far from minnesota? i saw that ad but the transportation of the boat may be more than the boat itself. ha
marc thanks so much for the offer. i have no truck and at the present time vermont is just alittle too far for me. i would guess 1500-1700 miles for a 12k boat doesnt add up too well. thanks though. craig
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