At well over 6Ft tall, and my girlfriend at an even 6'0", we have found that V-berth sleeping is at best an uncomfortable spaghetti bowl of legs! Additionally, we have found that while the starboard setee berth is managable, the "galley" sink on the port side entirely precludes any chance of decent rest. I built an easily removable and stowable board to join the gap between the two setee berths. Thus two can easily (and fairly comfortably) sleep beam-wise across the boat. My board runs from a few inches forward of the bottom companionway step up to the mast-step bulkhead. Using a 4" hole saw, I cut a hole so it is dropped in position over the table post and sits securely on a little lip of 1" teak screwed onto either side of setee berths. By routing a 45 degree chamfer on the teak support lip and a corresponding chamfer on the "gap-filler" board, the downward load that the board is subjected to is directed beam-wise as well as down (at least, I think

-Hope this helps someone else-
CD25 "Pilgrim"