Marsolve Miracle

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Kevin L.

Marsolve Miracle

Post by Kevin L. »

I am hardly one to look for a "Miracle in a Bottle", but this comes as close as I have ever experienced. Some of you may recall my posting a few weeks back about steam discharge from my exhaust, and a relatively meager water flow. My MD7A runs cool in terms of engine temperature, but I had experienced problems with the water lift muffler getting extremely hot after prolonged operation.

I spoke with some mechanics and got advise ranging from a muriatic acid flushing to partial engine tear-downs. So, I did a web search and found this "Marsolve" stuff with some fairly compelling testimonials. Oh well, at $20 bucks a gallon, it was going to be cheaper than any mechanic.

This stuff is AMAZING. You buy a cheap bilge pump, some hose, find a five gallon paint bucket, and circulate this stuff through your raw water system for three or four hours. The results were incredible. Flow out the exhaust has at least tripled if not quadrupled. So much for taking the engine apart!

If any of you have an older raw water cooled engine that is passing steam out the exhaust, I would give this stuff a try. I don't want to bore everyone on the board with detailed instructions, but if any of you are interested, I would be happy to detail the process if you send me an eMail. And no, I have absolutely no connection to the manufacturer of this stuff, whatsoever.

Fair Winds,
Kevin LeMans
CD30 Raconteur
San Francisco
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