My final leg of over a month long journey was the longest. Left West Harbor Shelter Island, solo, at 8 am arriving Norwalk CT 7:30 pm, about a 70 mile run which started with cold wind and fog and ending with a beautiful sunset arriving at my home port !!!!!
My cruise started at Oyster Bay, the starting point for the NorthEast Rendezvous. This was the beginning of a great cruise with many CDs. I made my way north ending the Rendezvous at Onset Ma. Along the way many CDs joined us, some going along for a few days, others going the entire way. Folks were able to join up and spend as much time as their schedules allowed. There was always a new CD joining us as one other had to leave !!!!! We had many of the Hard Core NorthEast members as well as many folks who for them, was the first Rendezvous. It was great to meet you all, as each new anchorage provided time to hang out with old friends and provide an opportunity to meet new ones!!!!!!!!
After our final dinner at Onset, I left the pack, others were heading up to Maine. I sailed to Woods Hole to meet up with my cousin Matt, and we then spent time sailing around the Cape with family and friends. Our goal was to get to Provincetown, and then sail our boats out to look for whales. Unfortunately this year the whales were way offshore about 25 miles, so it didn’t make much sense to go out that far. Well we may not have been able to enjoy the whales, but P town always provides a show of it’s own !!!!!!
After spending a few weeks cruising around the Cape, with various family members coming and going, I headed back to Shelter Island solo, I wanted to explore that beautiful area. My wife Nan was to join me there, but the weather turned bad, and she decided to forgo the rain and 25knts winds

At any rate, I made it home and Macht Nichts rests at her slip. What a great cruise!!!!!!
I want to thank all the members of the North East Fleet, who participated in our Rendezvous, and for all the help you provided to make this happen. We had been planning this during the dull days of winter and were able to have the rewards of our efforts realized cruising with old friends and meeting new ones !!!!!! Thanks for your help !!!!!!!
I now look forward to the up coming Fall, where the winds will pick up here in Long Island, and provide for some nice sailing!!!! Let’s get together this Fall!!!!
I guess I can never get enough

Michael Heintz
Captain Commanding
Macht Nichts CD 30 MkII
NorthEast Fleet Captain