I happened to be out sailing at the Santa Barbara Channel Islands last week when S & S sank. Thought you might be interested in what the Coast Guard put out over channel 16. They came out with one of those warnings to mariners announcements stating that Stars and Stripes (they called it by name) had sunk a mile and a half outside the entrance to Alamitos Bay (that's about 50 miles south of Los Angeles)in the City of Newport Beach. They said the vessel had sunk in 55 feet of water and the mast was sticking out of the water. Mariners were warned to keep a sharp lookout in the area because it was an unmarked hazard to navigation. We were anchored at Pelican Bay on Santa Cruz Island so a long way from the sinking, but the CG repeaters broadcast it all up and down the coast. Needless to say it got our attention and stopped all conversation for a minute. We only learned the next day that it was due to the rudder falling off.
Stars and Stripes sinking
Moderator: Jim Walsh