CD25 Deck Crazing

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chuck taylor

CD25 Deck Crazing

Post by chuck taylor »

Looking for help.........looked at a CD25 today (possible purchase). Boat looked pretty good I just don't know how big of a problem the deck crazing I saw is. Crazing at the cabin/teck transition at the bow (corners) and at the stern (at front of cockpit splash boards), around the deck fitting for the stern pulpit and at some stantion mounts. Is it hard to fix? Ticking time bomb? No big deal? Common?

In additon - a stantion base was broken......hard to find?

The boat is a 74, teak needs some attention, but generally the boated looked pretty good.

Rudder seemed solid.

Any input would be great.


Chuck T
Neil Gordon

Re: CD25 Deck Crazing

Post by Neil Gordon »

>>Boat looked pretty good I just don't know how big of a problem the deck crazing I saw is.<<

It's a fairly common problem and there's lots of discussion on this board about how to repair minor cracks, etc.

Surface cracks in the gelcoat are not serious. If the crack opens up and water penetrates the deck core, that's a bigger problem as rot sets in.

A survey will tell you whether the boat is sound or not. Don't let cosmetics or relatively minor repair problems deter you from an otherwise great boat.

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167
chuck g

Re: CD25 Deck Crazing

Post by chuck g »

chuck taylor wrote: Looking for help.........looked at a CD25 today (possible purchase). Boat looked pretty good I just don't know how big of a problem the deck crazing I saw is. Crazing at the cabin/teck transition at the bow (corners) and at the stern (at front of cockpit splash boards), around the deck fitting for the stern pulpit and at some stantion mounts. Is it hard to fix? Ticking time bomb? No big deal? Common?

In additon - a stantion base was broken......hard to find?

The boat is a 74, teak needs some attention, but generally the boated looked pretty good.
We recently bought a CD25 and the crazing cracks, in all the same locations don't bother me a bit. The chain platea,etc, that the shrouds, forstay, etc, are attached to are of importance. Check them with a magnifiging glass for hairline cracks. The crazing on the decks is just part of it, live with it and forget repairing them. You have a fine boat. Chuck
chuck taylor wrote: Rudder seemed solid.

Any input would be great.


Chuck T
Bob B.

Re: CD25 Deck Crazing

Post by Bob B. »

My CD25D has some crazing around the anchor locker. I reinforced it with some fiberglass tape and thickened epoxy from beneath. Then, gouged out and filled the cracks with gellcoat. I placed plastic over the gellcoat to cure it out and it works fine. The only reason that I even attended to this was that the survey spotted some areas with a little bit of increased moisture in those locations. The survey is a great tool to show what needs attention.

Enjoy your boat and hope it works out.

Bob B.
CD25D Tiva
Charleston, SC
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