Need Help finding new rudder

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Charles Wilson II

Need Help finding new rudder

Post by Charles Wilson II »

Hello All,

I own a 1975 Cape Dory 25.

She was hard grounded on a beach during a storm. The rudder seems to be very badly bent. When you turn the tiller hard over you can see the "bottom" part of the rudder almost poking out of the water. I don't think there is much hope of straightening the rudder shaft given that fact. I have contacted several yards and the best idea I can get from them is to get a new rudder made from a mold of my old rudder. They say this will cost anywhere from 1600-2000 just to have the rudder made. Can anyone think of a good place to get a new rudder, a salvage yard to buy a used rudder, or a better way to correct this problem?

Please email any ideas to:

Thanks for all your help,
Ken Coit

Re: Need Help finding new rudder

Post by Ken Coit »

Glen Snader of Hobby Marine in Pollocksville, NC likes to play around with such things. Check out his web site at the link below. I think their email is:

If you are wondering what relevance the photo has, Glen is building that and other boats.

Keep on sailing,

Ken Coit
CD/14 #538
CD/36 #84 Parfait
Hailing Port: Raleigh, NC
Sailing from: Beaufort, NC

Charles Wilson II wrote: Hello All,

I own a 1975 Cape Dory 25.

She was hard grounded on a beach during a storm. The rudder seems to be very badly bent. When you turn the tiller hard over you can see the "bottom" part of the rudder almost poking out of the water. I don't think there is much hope of straightening the rudder shaft given that fact. I have contacted several yards and the best idea I can get from them is to get a new rudder made from a mold of my old rudder. They say this will cost anywhere from 1600-2000 just to have the rudder made. Can anyone think of a good place to get a new rudder, a salvage yard to buy a used rudder, or a better way to correct this problem?

Please email any ideas to:

Thanks for all your help,

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