I am requesting the help of Cape Dory marine electricians. Here is the problem. I seem to have become 12Volt brain dead as I attempt to ugrade the wireing on Recovery, my TY SR. On my previous Cape Dory, a CD30, this was not an issue because the "path to gound" lead right to the volvo inboard. Alas, no inboard on the TY SR. Recovery does have the stintered bronze plate installed, but it is "bonded" to the mast, stantions etc. and all the books I have consulted (Calder, Casey, 12 V Doctor etc.) indicate that "bonding" and "grounding" are not the same. And the negative post of the battery doesn't go to the bronze plate. The books also show the "ground" going to the inboard in all their diagrams, and don't diagram a simple 12V system on a boat with out an inboard. So, does the circuit return to the negative battery post and that's it or ????. I hope that I am not the "dimmest bulb on the tree" but I am really feeling confused (confounded) on this one. Help, please. Thanks.
Doug Hill
S/V Recovery TY SR #30
12V DC Typhoon SR
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: 12V DC Typhoon SR
Do I have the honor of addressing the Doug Hill who was the former owner of Manifique?
Remember that the ground on the CD-30 went from the engine to the negative terminal of the battery, so yes, you are correct, the ground does go to the battery. And yes, the bonding system is NOT connected to the electrical system.
Tony Jeske
The former owner of CD-28 World Enough
Currently CD-25D #141
San Diego
Do I have the honor of addressing the Doug Hill who was the former owner of Manifique?
Remember that the ground on the CD-30 went from the engine to the negative terminal of the battery, so yes, you are correct, the ground does go to the battery. And yes, the bonding system is NOT connected to the electrical system.
Tony Jeske
The former owner of CD-28 World Enough
Currently CD-25D #141
San Diego
Re: 12V DC Typhoon SR
Indeed it is I (or is it me?)Grammer is a confusing as electricity.
Thanks for your comments. That is what I thought, but I just didn't have the confidence to go it alone. I'll write you off line to catch up. Thanks, again,
Indeed it is I (or is it me?)Grammer is a confusing as electricity.
Thanks for your comments. That is what I thought, but I just didn't have the confidence to go it alone. I'll write you off line to catch up. Thanks, again,
Anthony P. Jeske wrote: Doug:
Do I have the honor of addressing the Doug Hill who was the former owner of Manifique?
Remember that the ground on the CD-30 went from the engine to the negative terminal of the battery, so yes, you are correct, the ground does go to the battery. And yes, the bonding system is NOT connected to the electrical system.
Tony Jeske
The former owner of CD-28 World Enough
Currently CD-25D #141
San Diego
Common Ground Point
Doug,Doug Hill wrote: I am requesting the help of Cape Dory marine electricians. Here is the problem. I seem to have become 12Volt brain dead as I attempt to ugrade the wireing on Recovery, my TY SR. On my previous Cape Dory, a CD30, this was not an issue because the "path to gound" lead right to the volvo inboard. Alas, no inboard on the TY SR. Recovery does have the stintered bronze plate installed, but it is "bonded" to the mast, stantions etc. and all the books I have consulted (Calder, Casey, 12 V Doctor etc.) indicate that "bonding" and "grounding" are not the same. And the negative post of the battery doesn't go to the bronze plate. The books also show the "ground" going to the inboard in all their diagrams, and don't diagram a simple 12V system on a boat with out an inboard. So, does the circuit return to the negative battery post and that's it or ????. I hope that I am not the "dimmest bulb on the tree" but I am really feeling confused (confounded) on this one. Help, please. Thanks.
Doug Hill
S/V Recovery TY SR #30
Your 12 volt ground buss, the battery negative terminal, the bonding system should all go to the boats common ground point.
The bonding system is a *non current system* that is why the sources you mention state the bonding system is not a grounding system. Don't get confused by that. The bonding system (only current carrying if you should get hit by lightning) and the normal 12V DC current carrying system should both terminate at the boats common ground point. The bronze plate would be your *common ground point* on your Typhoon. I assume the "path to ground" you mention regarding the CD30 would be the negative side of your 12 volt system on your Typhoon, correct?
Your bonding system and the battery ground would be tied to that ground plate making sure connections are clean and tight. Remember always *common ground point*.
John is correct.....
The bonding systems is the joining of all metal structures (not electrical devices) together with a cabling system. This system would be connected to the "Dyna-plate" type of device. That device is in direct contact with the "earth" (water).
The negative side of the 12VDC wiring also needs to be connected to the "earth ground". Manufacturers often pick the inboard engine since it is in contact with the earth via the shaft and there is no other "Dyna-plate".
Because both systems go to a common earth point, an accident where the metal structure of the boat (mast, pulpit, etc.) become activated by a voltage source circuit breakers/fuses should pop before someone is hurt. Also there should be no stray electrical current going in unwanted locations like the prop shaft and thru hulls.....
The negative side of the 12VDC wiring also needs to be connected to the "earth ground". Manufacturers often pick the inboard engine since it is in contact with the earth via the shaft and there is no other "Dyna-plate".
Because both systems go to a common earth point, an accident where the metal structure of the boat (mast, pulpit, etc.) become activated by a voltage source circuit breakers/fuses should pop before someone is hurt. Also there should be no stray electrical current going in unwanted locations like the prop shaft and thru hulls.....
John R. wrote:Doug,Doug Hill wrote: I am requesting the help of Cape Dory marine electricians. Here is the problem. I seem to have become 12Volt brain dead as I attempt to ugrade the wireing on Recovery, my TY SR. On my previous Cape Dory, a CD30, this was not an issue because the "path to gound" lead right to the volvo inboard. Alas, no inboard on the TY SR. Recovery does have the stintered bronze plate installed, but it is "bonded" to the mast, stantions etc. and all the books I have consulted (Calder, Casey, 12 V Doctor etc.) indicate that "bonding" and "grounding" are not the same. And the negative post of the battery doesn't go to the bronze plate. The books also show the "ground" going to the inboard in all their diagrams, and don't diagram a simple 12V system on a boat with out an inboard. So, does the circuit return to the negative battery post and that's it or ????. I hope that I am not the "dimmest bulb on the tree" but I am really feeling confused (confounded) on this one. Help, please. Thanks.
Doug Hill
S/V Recovery TY SR #30
Your 12 volt ground buss, the battery negative terminal, the bonding system should all go to the boats common ground point.
The bonding system is a *non current system* that is why the sources you mention state the bonding system is not a grounding system. Don't get confused by that. The bonding system (only current carrying if you should get hit by lightning) and the normal 12V DC current carrying system should both terminate at the boats common ground point. The bronze plate would be your *common ground point* on your Typhoon. I assume the "path to ground" you mention regarding the CD30 would be the negative side of your 12 volt system on your Typhoon, correct?
Your bonding system and the battery ground would be tied to that ground plate making sure connections are clean and tight. Remember always *common ground point*.