Mooring Bridle is Too Butch

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Duncan Maio

Mooring Bridle is Too Butch

Post by Duncan Maio »

The mooring we rent in Bristol has 1" (or better) lines on the mooring bridle that are too stiff and too large to loop onto the herreshoff cleats on the foredeck of our CD27. The best we can do is to hook the eyes over the aft horn on the cleat, and lash the pennant down with a length of light line.

In past years, I have made up loops of 3/4" nylon 3-strand about 4' around, and used these to bridge between the cleat and the mooring bridle. This works very well, and I am about to make up a new set (they go missing most years when the boat is hauled or launched) but I wondered what others do in this situation.

Duncan Maio
s/v Remedy
CD27 #37
Bristol, RI

Re: Mooring Bridle is Too Butch

Post by Chris »

Duncan - I had a similar problem a few years back. I was concerned about chaffing between the club supplied bridle and any “lighter” line I used to make the cleating more convenient. The cost in supplies and time was a bit much to do it right with additional shackles and thimbles. I ended up making my own bridle and securing it to the mooring chain with the clubs shackles and swivels. I removed the clubs bridle and returned it to the dock master. I do not think he appreciated me removing his bridle, but the alternative was to coil it and leave it secured to the mooring chain. I offered to replace the bridle at the end of the season, but they never took me up on it. I would ask if you could just replace the lines.
Duncan Maio wrote: The mooring we rent in Bristol has 1" (or better) lines on the mooring bridle that are too stiff and too large to loop onto the herreshoff cleats on the foredeck of our CD27. The best we can do is to hook the eyes over the aft horn on the cleat, and lash the pennant down with a length of light line.

In past years, I have made up loops of 3/4" nylon 3-strand about 4' around, and used these to bridge between the cleat and the mooring bridle. This works very well, and I am about to make up a new set (they go missing most years when the boat is hauled or launched) but I wondered what others do in this situation.

Duncan Maio
s/v Remedy
CD27 #37
Bristol, RI
Jody Kaplan

Re: Mooring Bridle is Too Butch

Post by Jody Kaplan »

Chris wrote: Duncan - I had a similar problem a few years back. I was concerned about chaffing between the club supplied bridle and any “lighter” line I used to make the cleating more convenient. The cost in supplies and time was a bit much to do it right with additional shackles and thimbles. I ended up making my own bridle and securing it to the mooring chain with the clubs shackles and swivels. I removed the clubs bridle and returned it to the dock master. I do not think he appreciated me removing his bridle, but the alternative was to coil it and leave it secured to the mooring chain. I offered to replace the bridle at the end of the season, but they never took me up on it. I would ask if you could just replace the lines.
Duncan Maio wrote: The mooring we rent in Bristol has 1" (or better) lines on the mooring bridle that are too stiff and too large to loop onto the herreshoff cleats on the foredeck of our CD27. The best we can do is to hook the eyes over the aft horn on the cleat, and lash the pennant down with a length of light line.

In past years, I have made up loops of 3/4" nylon 3-strand about 4' around, and used these to bridge between the cleat and the mooring bridle. This works very well, and I am about to make up a new set (they go missing most years when the boat is hauled or launched) but I wondered what others do in this situation.

Duncan Maio
s/v Remedy
CD27 #37
Bristol, RI
Hi Duncan , I agree with chris . Placing a 3/4 bridle would seem to make sense , I use that use on my 30 K and its more than enouth . I dont think the 1' will have enough give ,and that will transfer to the cleats etc . Also in the harbor I'm in the extra distance would put me near neighboring boats . Take Care Jody K (Cygnus 30k-Huntington ,Harbor) PS I would just run it by the mooring staff first .
Joe Mac Phee

Re: Mooring Bridle is Too Butch

Post by Joe Mac Phee »


I had the same problem with my mooring. With the chafe gear in place, I could not get the pennant through the bow chock and could not get the eye through the Hereschoff cleat. I think that the 1 inch mooring pennants are a Bristol harbormaster rule. I changed my mooring changes to 3/4 inch. Ask Bristol Marine to change your pennant. They can reuse the big pennant on a mooring for a bigger boat.

Joe Mac Phee
S/V Iolanthe
Bristol, RI
Michael Britt

Re: Mooring Bridle is Too Butch

Post by Michael Britt »

I am fortunate enough to own my own mooring in Tomales Bay in Northern California. I use two 5/8th by 15 foot bridles which is more than adequate for my CD 30 Shearwater. The problem that I have is that in the 3 months of the year that the boat is on the mooring the amount of chafe on my toe rail is phenomenal. I use fire hose for chafing gear. Tomales gets windy and choppy every after noon so the boat moves a lot. Has any one seen a Bronze rub strake to protect this area the common SS versions I have seen seem as though it would take two, one for each step in the toe rail and this would be pretty damn ugly.

Any idea?

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