TO: All Cape Dorian's
FROM: Mike Thorpe
SUBJECT: Robinhood Rendezvous & Clambake
One of the events during this year's CDSOA, Inc. Cruise to Maine is a <b>Rendezvous and Clambake</b> on August 23 at Robinhood Marine Center in Georgetown, ME. While this event was conceived as part of the CDSOA, Inc. 2002 Cruise to Maine you don't have to be part of the cruise to attend the Rendezvous and Clambake.
Also, while there is a late fee associated with cruise reservations postmarked later than July 1st, there isn't any late fee associated with the Rendezvous and Clambake.
However, due to the needs of the caterer and the committee's cruising schedule, an August 1st cutoff date has been established.
If you plan to attend the Rendezvous and Clambake please mail your participation fee and meal selection to arrive no later than August 1st.
The participation fee is $5:00 for CDSOA members (please include your CDSOA number) and $10:00 for non-members.
<a href=" ... pdf">Click here for the menu and price list</a>. Mail your meal selection and check to:
<center>Mike Thorpe
44 Constance Avenue
West Yarmouth, MA 02673</center>
Thanks and hope to see you there,
Robinhood Rendezvous & Clambake
Moderator: Jim Walsh