Does anyone out there know the proper setup for the spreaders? I own a CD36 and had it pointed out to me that my spreaders were currently at a dead perpendicular out from the mast and in order to insure that the spreaders are really doing their job of keeping the mast aligned and supported, they really are supposed to be angled up a bit so that the spreader tips bisect the upper shroud creating and equal angle on either side of the spreader tip. Is this the case?
Any help appreciated,
Spreader angle
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Yes, bisect the angle
Yes, you're supposed to bisect the angle or as close to it as you can get which means that the spreaders will point slightly upward. You have to be careful tightening flag halyards because you can pull the spreaders down with too much tension on them.
Patrick Turner wrote: Does anyone out there know the proper setup for the spreaders? I own a CD36 and had it pointed out to me that my spreaders were currently at a dead perpendicular out from the mast and in order to insure that the spreaders are really doing their job of keeping the mast aligned and supported, they really are supposed to be angled up a bit so that the spreader tips bisect the upper shroud creating and equal angle on either side of the spreader tip. Is this the case?
Any help appreciated,