Stantion Height

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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jim stull

Stantion Height

Post by jim stull »

We are doing a total hull-up rebuild and upgrade of a Cape Dory CD27. Am planning on installing Matella stantions and would like to convert from the existing 26" height to 30" double life line design. We have never had the boat in the water and are unsure if we will cause sail handling problems with the taller height. Any comments would be appreciated.
Steve I.

Re: Stantion Height

Post by Steve I. »

jim stull wrote: We are doing a total hull-up rebuild and upgrade of a Cape Dory CD27. Am planning on installing Matella stantions and would like to convert from the existing 26" height to 30" double life line design. We have never had the boat in the water and are unsure if we will cause sail handling problems with the taller height. Any comments would be appreciated.

I like the idea for safety,and I can't see a problem with sail handling,my only question would be looks???probably wouldn't be problem at all. just my 2 cents worth. Good Luck with your project and be patient!!
D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: Why ? ? ?

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »

Captain Stull,

Saw your note on CW BB also, and I wonder, why make them taller? Get ones the same height, less to worry about, and just as effective. Have you ever leaned against a lifeline on purpose? It really is designed to save your A** if you start to fall overboard, they are not a support for looking at the horizon.

To many concerns with sail trim, clearance etc, to bother changing to a taller pole.. IMHO..........

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Anthony P. Jeske

Re: Stanchion Height

Post by Anthony P. Jeske »

The lower lifeline may interfere with your ability to fully rotate the winch handles when using the coaming winches. It does on my CD-25D and did on the CD-28 used to own. Some boaters wind up disconnecting the lower lifeline at the cockpit or looping lines from the upper to pull the lower up out of the way of the handle's arc.
Careful planning on your part ahead of time may eliminate this problem
for you.
Good Luck,
Tony Jeske
CD-25D #141
San Diego
Ken Coit

Double Lines Help Keep Kids On Board.

Post by Ken Coit »

Maybe that is the rationale?


D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: Captain Stull,

Saw your note on CW BB also, and I wonder, why make them taller? Get ones the same height, less to worry about, and just as effective. Have you ever leaned against a lifeline on purpose? It really is designed to save your A** if you start to fall overboard, they are not a support for looking at the horizon.

To many concerns with sail trim, clearance etc, to bother changing to a taller pole.. IMHO..........

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Larry DeMers

Re: Stantion Height

Post by Larry DeMers »

A 26in. tall lifeline is just about perfect to cause tripping falls at your knees. Historicly, 30-33 in. tall lifelines have been one of the modifications people make to ocean cruising boats, to prevent that sort of happening.
I think it would look fine on your boat though.
I doubt that there would be interference with the coaming mounted winches, as the line should be clear by a couple inches anyway. A smaller boat (25D) may be a different situation.

Matella Stanchions are a work of art almost. I just had one in my hot old hand this past weekend, and the finish is incredible. Should I ever need to replace my stanchions, that is the way I would go for sure.

A suggestion: If you are worried about how these puppies will look on your beauty, why not mockup one side with 30in. stanchions (really a piece of pcv water pipe slipped over an existing stanchion that has the lifelines removed for ease of simulating), then step back and take a good look from several angles. Take a few pictures, and look at them carefully for proportions between the stanchions and the coach roof and the cockpit. Compare to the other side which would still be the original set of stanchions.

Go for it!


Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30 Lake Superior

jim stull wrote: We are doing a total hull-up rebuild and upgrade of a Cape Dory CD27. Am planning on installing Matella stantions and would like to convert from the existing 26" height to 30" double life line design. We have never had the boat in the water and are unsure if we will cause sail handling problems with the taller height. Any comments would be appreciated.
D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: Well, sure, but.........

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »

You could still have double lines on a shorter stanchion! If I remember, the stanchions on Hanalei are only 26" high and they are double line.....

Ken Coit

Correct You Be My Captain Sir

Post by Ken Coit »

Capt. Stump,

You are Sir, as usual, quite correct. I just checked the drawing I made of Parfait's stanchions some time ago when I was searching for a single replacement and they are 24.5" high with double lines at 24" and 12" above the foot.

30" stanchions might look a bit tall even on Parfait although I agree with Larry and the blue water types that they would be less likely to be tripped over, they would be a pain to step over. This came to mind only because we never open the gates to step to the pier, we always walk forward to use the shrouds as support and step to the pier from there.

Keep on sailing,

Ken Coit
CD/14 #538
CD/36 #84 Parfait
Hailing Port: Raleigh, NC
Sailing from: Beaufort, NC

D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: You could still have double lines on a shorter stanchion! If I remember, the stanchions on Hanalei are only 26" high and they are double line.....

Randy Bates

Re: Stantion Height

Post by Randy Bates »

Years ago we charted a Nor Sea 27 that was owned by a handicapped person. He had installed 48" rails and triple lifelines. It did look a tad out of proportion, but once underway the feeling of being secure while on the decks was tremendous.

If you can EASILY step over your lifelines, as in it's so easy we don't even bother to drop them when boarding, they are TOO low. They will be of help when falling overboard. Since you'll be "tripping/flipping" over them you'll enter the water feet NOT face first.
jim stull wrote: We are doing a total hull-up rebuild and upgrade of a Cape Dory CD27. Am planning on installing Matella stantions and would like to convert from the existing 26" height to 30" double life line design. We have never had the boat in the water and are unsure if we will cause sail handling problems with the taller height. Any comments would be appreciated.
Ken Coit

Inseam Approx. 31" - Recommended Stanchion Height =?

Post by Ken Coit »

I can step over life lines on 30" stanchions too and I am less than 6' total since shrinking set in. Are we recommending that the upper life line be hip height for the tallest person aboard?

From an aesthetic standpoint, I guess the taller you are the larger your boat ought to be so the stanchions will be proportional to the boat and you? That would be nice, but then they would have to make the bunks longer too. Maybe I'll just shrink down some more to fit my stanchions.

Keep on sailing,

Ken Coit
CD/14 #538
CD/36 #84 Parfait
Hailing Port: Raleigh, NC
Sailing from: Beaufort, NC

Randy Bates wrote: Years ago we charted a Nor Sea 27 that was owned by a handicapped person. He had installed 48" rails and triple lifelines. It did look a tad out of proportion, but once underway the feeling of being secure while on the decks was tremendous.

If you can EASILY step over your lifelines, as in it's so easy we don't even bother to drop them when boarding, they are TOO low. They will be of help when falling overboard. Since you'll be "tripping/flipping" over them you'll enter the water feet NOT face first.
jim stull wrote: We are doing a total hull-up rebuild and upgrade of a Cape Dory CD27. Am planning on installing Matella stantions and would like to convert from the existing 26" height to 30" double life line design. We have never had the boat in the water and are unsure if we will cause sail handling problems with the taller height. Any comments would be appreciated.
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