Hull-Deck Joint on a 1984 CD30

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Hull-Deck Joint on a 1984 CD30

Post by John »

Look at CD30 today and I observed that the hull has in inward-turning flange to which the deck is thru-bolted with SS bolts on approximately 6"(?) centers.

One thing seemed a little odd (to me at least). I noticed that there seemed to be different spacing in some areas between the bottom of the inward-turning flange and the bottom of the deck. In some areas it appeared to be about 1/4" and in others it was about 1". I couldn't see the actual joint since there was a dark grey adhesive(?) covering the joint. The differences were consistant from side to side.

Could someone explain what I was seeing. Thanks.

D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: What you see is normal.............

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »


That is just how Cape Dory secured the deck to the hull. The grey stuff is a polyester putty????(I think) used as a sealer and the spacing of the bolts was approximately 6". different in some places....why are you concerned????

Dave Stump
s/v Hanalei
CD-30C 1984

Re: What you see is normal.............

Post by John »

Thanks, Dave.

I just was wondering why the joint seems much thicker towards the center of the boat (1" as opposed to 1/4" in other locations). Did the builder put extra layers of glass in this area? On my S2 the joint thickness is uniform all around.

D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: John,

That is just how Cape Dory secured the deck to the hull. The grey stuff is a polyester putty????(I think) used as a sealer and the spacing of the bolts was approximately 6". different in some places....why are you concerned????

Dave Stump
s/v Hanalei
CD-30C 1984
D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: Just guessing, but......

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »


I would guess the thickness just reflects the way the deck fitted up to the hull. Unless you have a leak, I wouldn't worry about it....FWIW....

Dave Stump
s/v Hanalei
CD-30C 1984
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